
Ladies, can you give me honest advice?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so there's this girl at work I've had my eye on. We've not ever spoke, but I am wanting to ask her to go get lunch, get a smoothie, or something like that. I know people say that looks aren't everything, but initial attraction is based on looks, and I lack confidence in that area. Also, I'm 19 and in college. So, girls please tell me if based on my looks if you would go out to lunch or at least have a little interest in me. If no, please don't be mean or harsh because I'm sensitive, but be honest. thank you =).




  1. you look cute. go for lunch

  2. Youre like 2 completely different people from the first and last pic! Your style is just so different in the first...than in the last

    Anyways, If you asked me out to lunch I'd say yes!

    If you want to gain alittle more self confidence I'd say just wear clothes or your hairstyle that reflect your personality, and that you feel comfortable with because when you feel truly comfortable you'll look and act more confident.

  3. I think you are FINE!!! Yes I would be intersted in you.  

  4. YES, YES, YES!!

  5. Wow !! You lil hottie !! i definatly would...x

  6. okay hottie wit a body! i think that you need to not really worry about your looks because obviously youve got it goin on (: so go for it! dont wait for her to make the first move! if she really likes you and it was meant to be, it'll happen. good luck & tell us what happens! (: (and she'd be stupid to say no)

  7. I'd date you!

  8. your cute. i would go for it (if i were her i would say yes! and the guitar makes you even hotter =]])

  9. Oh my, you're in a band?

    That's an instant panty dropper.

  10. i think she would like to go out to get lunch or whatever but its mostly about your personality that counts.

  11. i think you're hot.

    different girls have different taste, though.

    just start up a simple conversation with her before you ask her out. for all you know you could end up not liking her personality so get to know her a little before you ask her on a date.

    hope this helps!

  12. omg u have nothing to worry about. u r so hot she she would have to b crazy not 2 go  

  13. *drools a bit* lol you're quite hot and playing guitar is always a plus :)  

  14. you are actually good looking and getting rejected is a part of life so take a chance and ask her for lunch!

  15. Your hot. :)

  16. Go out with me?? :] Haha, just kidding, but seriously, you are a fine specimen of human. Why you lack confidence I don't understand, but rest assured, you are a very good looking man. Take assurance in that, but don't get cocky either. Just be yourself, and hopefully that girl will see how cool you are :]

    Good Luck!

  17. pretty good looking =)

    you seem really nice too

    so take a chance and ask her out!

  18. Okay, being totally honest

    [i mean you wanted it right]

    you're super hot

    she'll love you

    = ] = ] = ]  

  19. Haha, you have no idea how happy I am. XD

    This is the first "am i hot" question on here that i've been able to answer honestly and not get yelled at for 'being mean'.


    Dude, you're hot. Definitely attractive. Obviously  most, if not all of the girls that answered this would go out with you.

    Go for it, love. If she rejects you, then she's obviously stuck up and doesn't deserve you. You seem like a sweet guy that should get the best in life.


    By the way, you kind of remind me of Brendon Urie; only more attractive. ^_^

  20. you're really attractve and cute..dnt lack confidnce,,coz that reflect also to ur appearance..gudluk..go get her!haha

  21. ......well I'm a dude... but if i were a girl i would definitely go out with you. No im not g*y...but im not afraid to say it when a guy is decent looking. if you really want to work on the looks get some abs. girls LOVE thee abs. also, mention that your in a band a lot of girls like that to. and if your really good at your instrument find out what kind of songs she likes and learn to play them.........not to be cocky but i have been with my girlfriend for 2 and a half years now so i think i know what im doing. ha   well good luck with her man

  22. you look cool. Don't worry :)

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