
Ladies, can you tell us about your personal experiences of being unfairly labeled a s*** and a w****?

by  |  earlier

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while the male involved was patted on the back and labeled a hero, and state if the labeller was male or female?




  1. I don't have a personal experience of my own, but of course you already knows that it happens all the time.  And BTW, women are much more likely to call another woman those names unfairly.  Look around in Y!A, people call others whores when they are virgins!

  2. It is YOUR life. Do what ever you want. If you are an "adult" quit worrying about such rubbish. Who cares? When you gonna start living for your self?

  3. This is embaressing but I graphically described the s/m antics I would like to indulge in with a lecturer of mine and he ended up calling me a s**t (but I think for him it was part of the scenario, you know, his s**t and everything) But I am really not into that aspect of bdsm and it was meant in jest but even if it had been in all due seriousness, I am a virgin and it is rather absurd to call a virgin a s**t, you know? He would have taken me then and there and I sincerely did not mean to be a tease but I was having conflicts with my own 'erotic emotions'...I found out I can't just be a s**t to some man, who doesn't care....He was so very very attractive and I was driven by an unrelenting lust and desire. In short I lost self control, but in the end I did not want to be a receptacle for the man's sperm...So many lessons were learned and I never erotically pursued a man in such a manner again...In the future who knows!

  4. The only time I've ever been "labeled" a w***e was by myself.  When I was young, I used to call myself a s** or w**** whenever I masturbated more than three times in one day.  I associated "too many" orgasms with decadence and gluttonous consumption of pleasure with those labels.  I call MANY pork-barrel piggy Republicans those labels, for example.

  5. No I've never been labeled those things.

    Probably because I'm not them.

  6. I have never been called either.  Not to my face...Not by anyone who lived long afterwards...

  7. No, I was never labelled thus, but they are descriptions I was happy (but not unfairly) to pin on the woman who bedded my husband for as long as the affair lasted.  And I don't think anyone patted him on the back.  Most folk thought he was an idiot  -  at least that's what they told me.

  8. I can't really answer this question myself because I choose to not sleep with men I wasn't in love with. Therefore resulting in a very minimum, undisclosed amount of in love/sexual relationships. I also do not have any friends who take s*x in a casual enough manner to warrant this kind of needless labelling.

    However I do remember once story that happened to this girl in college, maybe my Calculus, I'm not sure but anyway that's not important.

    She had been dating this guy since high school and one day she overheard a girl in our class talking about going out with this guy and sleeping with him afterwards. Turns out that guy was her boyfriend and she found out (admitted by him) that since they began dating he had slept with at least 8 different girls. One of his friends said "He's a guy it's natural for him to want to have s*x with as many women as he can."

    She dumped him obviously but later that week she had s*x with one of his frat brothers. All the guys thought it was hilarious that she had been used by two guys but them and there girlfriends labelled her as a w***e and literally made that year quite awful for her.

    That however is the only story that comes to mind.

  9. No, I have none.  I have treated myself and relationships with respect.  But to me, anyone who has one nightstands, multiple partners, unprotected or otherwise irresponsible s*x, is behaving like a w***e....male or female.

  10. Sorry, can't help you out there.  I don't carry myself as either of those, and don't act that way either.  So I've never gotten the label.  Women who do get that label probably earned it.

  11. Ummm. When I was eighteen I had a relationship (of sorts) with a guy who had another girlfriend. When everyone found out, he was "the man" and I was the bad one for "leading him astray". B0llocks, right?

    I don't know, I don't really care what people think of me, and if they label me with such petty and stupid names I know they are pathetic people who have some sort of self righteous judgment to pass. I happily ignore any such losers.

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