
Ladies, cologne question???

by  |  earlier

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Which of these would you pick for a 24 year old guy to wear

Day time: Cool water, Burberry Britt, Curve

Night time: Polo Black, Burberry London, Calvin Kline Escape

any other suggestions are acceptable as well. Thanks in advance.




  1. Cool water && polo black!

  2. Cool water and Polo black!

  3. Cool Water & Escape

  4. Cool water and polo black are hot :]

  5. curve and polo black.. but i really like to polo black... its s**y yet classic!!! were what you like on you.. ur the one going to smell it too!! but polo black.. mmm.. thats  just lovely lol!!  

  6. cool water and escape

  7. day- burrbary britt

    night_polo black ( its my favorite sent in the world its's so s**y i make my boyfriend wear it and i have a tester bottle so i can spray it when i miss him i lLOVE it!!! :) )

  8. I hate guys who wear cologne or perfume. so none of them.

  9. day - cool water

    night -  escape

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