
Ladies, did you experience this type of pain as an early sign of labour?

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I was with my mom, today, and I had abdominal pain. It was like a menstrual cramp, which slowly became more like the "need to go to the bathroom for a #2" type of pain (i didn't really have any bowel movement, just a similar feeling). I also had a draft of heat. It was not a contraction (I've had painful braxton hicks before, it was not the same feeling and my belly didn't "contract")

When my mom asked me to describe it to her, she looked a little surprise and said it was what she felt before having contractions and real labour pain. My aunt who was there too nodded.

Did anyone else feel anything like that? Was it prior to labour?




  1. With my first baby I had similar pains a day or two before I went into labor.

  2. Yep that's exactly it!

  3. my mom said she felt exactly the same way some hours before i was born congrats!

  4. When my contractions started they would not stop I felt cramps that where tolerable for almost two days by day three I was in labor. The cramps would be about two hours apart working there way to 3min Good Luck I am sure you can hardly wait to see you little one

  5. yes that it is exactly what it feels like

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