
Ladies, did you know that other countries have a moral police?

by Guest59647  |  earlier

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Can you beleive that ladies? Ha ha a ha...not only does it suck to have the marriage laws...but now there's people anil enought to become moral cops!

Read this one:

There ya go ladies....make sure you keep them many lovers secret OK




  1. I'm telling you...Freedom! HA...we do not live in a free country. No country is free!

  2. yeah i read your other question too and just wanted to let you know that you suck

  3. You seem to have some serious problems with women.

    Women are not the only ones with multiple lovers who try to keep it secret. Men do it just as much.  

  4. Flavies what the heck are you talking about Now!!! cant keep up with you  

  5. "anil"? What's "anil"?? For a guy that probably takes it up the butt you should at least know how to spell "anal"

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