
Ladies, do you expect a joke to be funny?

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I was reading a study done on humour, and the differences between men and women in regard to humour, this study showed that men expect a joke to be funny before the punchline, while women generally do not.

Does this hold any water? Am i wayy off base? Whats your take on it?




  1. unless a guy tells which case you expect it to suck..but u laugh anyways :) lol

  2. My take: it wouldn't be considered a joke if it wasn't supposed to be funny.  If it's not funny than it's just  a story.

  3. Yes I read the same study. Women do not automatically expect the joke to be funny so when it is, part of their enjoyment comes from the surprise.  

  4. I expect a joke to be either funny, horrible masquerading as funny, or sardonic.

  5. Quite possibly.  I think women tend to be a bit skeptical and hold things like humor to higher standards.  If you've heard one dumb blonde joke you have heard most...we get it, the blonde is dumb.  But if you can some how surprise us and put a spin on the ol' scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool, we might laugh.

  6. on the joke itself, NO but its on how you tell your joke and it also depends who's gonna tell the joke!

  7. I like very dry humor, but in general men I have seen have better senses of humor.

  8. Statisically speaking, you are totally on the ball.  The women I've loved were normal women (not modern Misandrists) and I simply couldn't love a woman who couldn't enjoy the same sort of humour that I enjoy.  But they're tough to find, frankly.

    Please see the source below for validation of my assertion.

  9. I laugh at anything, even at myself, so what about me?  

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