
Ladies, do you keep a weapon in your car?

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I keep hearing horror stories of women being carjacked while in the parking lots at places like WalMart. I know these are isolated incidents and that I'm probably worried over NOTHING, but I have 2 small babies that I must take with me everytime I do my shopping, and so I do think about it. A lot.

As any parent knows, getting your kids buckled into their car seats means you're distracted with your back turned.... an especially easy target for would-be criminals! Everyone thinks "oh, that won't happen to me" and I feel the same way, but I'm considering keeping something in the pocket of my driver's side door... just in case. (My kids won't ever have access to that area so I know it would be safe from them.) I'm thinking of something like a knife or strong scissors, mace. My husband thinks I'm over-reacting. But then again he is 6'2 and over 200 lbs, so I'm sure he never feels threatened by anyone.

Anyone else feel the same way, and do you keep a weapon of some kind in your car?




  1. no weapons here. I think if you have kids you risk even more by keeping a weapon in the car if they were to get ahold of it.

    I don't live in a big city though but I suppose if I lived in a high crime area I might worry more about this sort of thing...still not sure I'd keep a weapon in the car.

  2. No.  I usually have my softball bat in my trunk so if I thought about it and had time, I could always grab it I suppose.

  3. Your husband should be concerned about your safety, and that of your kids... No offense, but, it's easy for (some) men to think we're over-reacting, when we're not... I'm 5'2" and 100 pounds, when not pregnant!

    I'm going to start keeping my trusty stick, in the mini-van; it is SOLID! Also, I might get pepper spray, but don't want it to accidentally spray my kids. (I have a 10-year-old, 9-year-old, 16-month-old, and am pregnant with our last.) Most of the time, my husband goes with us, for safety, but, if not, I always get my kids---quickly---into the car, then shut the door behind us, and lock them, while we all get into our seats... It's just much safer than keeping the door wide open, with my back turned... I also scan the parking lot for anyone who might be lurking. (In an aware---not panicky---way.)

    Good luck. It's good to be aware, these days, and it's also a MUST!

  4. I'm paranoid about car accidents, so we keep a couple pair of scissors in the car, we have the car alarm, and I have a noise siren that you pull and it goes off super loud. We're in a small town, without much crime. I intend on getting a concealed weapons permit once I am recovered from having this baby, then I'll be carrying my .38 everywhere I go.

  5. I keep a hunting knife in my car. I wouldn't think twice about stabbing a m**o.

  6. i think thats a bit like teenagers carrying knifes round with them to protect themselves , its a big thing in the uk. you could be arrestred for being armed with a weapon even if it is for your own protection

  7. I have pepper spray on my keychain because I get paranoid sometimes

  8. my only thing is ,,,if you are in the back seat strapping in your kids,,,how is a weapon in your DRIVERS door going to do you any good if someone comes at you? best advice is to stay alert and if you feel uneasy about someone,,,,put the kids in,,,get in and lock the door and drive away,,,,stop somewhere close (but away from the "danger") and strap kids in and move on.  

    i have a weapon in my car,,,it is called my HUSBAND,,,i am a lucky woman who is married to a cop. (civilian and military). lucky for me too,,and hubby works midnights and is usually with us during the day when we go away.

    i am lucky to live in an area that is not really that scary.

  9. Nope, I don't keep any ;)

    It depends where you live, though.

  10. if you are worried ,get one of those little cans of mace or pepper spray that hooks on to your key ring

    i always keep a s***w driver and a carpet knife  in the door pocket

  11. I do personally, I'm not a mom but a college student. I'm very petite I'm 5'2" and 110 pounds. So I do keep a weapon in the middle compartment between he drivers and the passenger seat in my car. I need to protect myself.

  12. My husband would like for me to be trained on how to use a weapon and carry one, but im scared too..I think pepper spray is better especially with young children.

  13. No but I keep a knife under my mattress.

  14. No,  I don't believe that would be safe, but depending on where someone lives, I can see why they would be inclined to do so.

    I think it's better to take precautions when you can, like not walking to your car alone at night, making sure all your doors are locked and windows rolled up, etc.

  15. Yes i have pepper spray on my key chain and a pen tazor in the car. I live in NYC an get a little scared at night in dark parking lots. I havent had to use it yet thank goodness

  16. You need to be aware of your surroundings. Trust your instincts. I hear you about being in a vulnerable position. I would look at getting myself in the car with the door shut. There has to be a way to do that. It may be uncomfortable. You might have to try different things in your driveway or garage. I keep a heavy flashlight in my car.

    I'm not worried about it because I make sure that I'm always alert and taking note of people around me. If I ever feel uncomfortable then I take out my cell phone. I will walk to a populated place. I will run to my car get in and take off as quickly as safely as possible.

  17. no i don't carry weapon in my car.

  18. I live in a small safe town, but I still get scared while I'm in parking lots and stuff like that. What I do is I hold my keys in my hand holding a key between each finger in case something like that does happen. I'm sure it won't but I would much rather be safe than sorry!

    I think a knife in your car isn't a very good idea, even though the kids can't reach it. Mace on the other hand is great! As long as you can reach it from where you are buckling the kids in.

  19. Keep pepper spray in your car. I have one that looks like a pen. you wont get in trouble and at least you will feel better. make sure you know how to use it so you wont get nervous.

  20. MIght not be a bad idea but it could be a bd mistake.

    Some weapons are considered just that a WEAPON. The police can and will press charges against you depending on the type of weapon you choose.

  21. If your buckling your kids in the backseat and a would be attacker grabs you the pepper spray in the console or front door isnt going to help. Its like having an unloaded gun for home protection locked in a gun safe with bullets locked in a seperate area. You probably will NOT have the time to get to your weapon unless it on your personA purse isnt a good area either because you wont have time to rumage for it. . I would recommend a pepper spray or noise alarm on your car keys uf you want some protection. Personally I dont carry anything but i live in a very small town and most buisnesses close well before dark and there are no large parking lots.

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