
Ladies, do you know alot of hot g*y guys? It's frustrating, isn't it?

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Ladies, do you know alot of hot g*y guys? It's frustrating, isn't it?




  1. No not at all. Once I find out a guy is g*y. I don't think nothing about him is attractive. I see him as an abomination and filthy.

  2. Not at all, they are great friends and shopping partners.

  3. Yes I have 4 g*y hot guys. There fun to be around that's for sure.

  4. Here you are again, asking this same tired old question, trying to gain some personal validation and acceptance for being g*y and unsure of yourself.

    Answer:  Yes, I know g*y guys.  Some are cute, some are not.  Being hot has nothing to do with sexual preference.  And heck no it doesn't frustrate me.

  5. haha SAND couldn't have put it better myself. But I could try.. *dun dun dunnnnnnn* =D

  6. no, i don't think it's frustrating, but then i know a lot of hot straight men as well.

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