
Ladies, do you think that there are too many SINGLE mothers out here in the world ?

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Especially here in America. On both sides, Black and White, the

numbers of single mother homes is staggering. Does this mean that

we will see a culture of unwed parents, and belligerent children.

Perhaps, the young generation is very defiant nowadays, and they

have little or no respect for adults. Not like it was when I was a kid.

I am only not that old by the way. Right at 30. But anyway, what

do you think ? Are there too many single mothers out here in the

world ?




  1. No.  I think there are too many single fathers.  Or would there be exactly as many single fathers as there are single mothers?  So why pick on the women?

  2. You're opinion and attitude are a bit biased. I know a single mother who is single because daddy died before baby was born. Do you blame her for that? And, no, that doesn't mean she's going to raise her child to be a single mother. Maybe you should take others' feelings into consideration before you get so righteous!

  3. How about the single mother who make an HONEST mistake ONE d**n tine in her life? she is not a single mom by choice it just happened one time. my daughter is 2 years old. and she is being raised to respect everyone even people who have closed minds and are very judge mental like a few here. she even loves her daddy who wants nothing to do with her. my child will be taught that adults should be respected and be treated right.

    Yes I know all the stats but no matter what any single mother does it doesn't matter there will always be someone saying she's an unfit mother or her kids will grow up to be killers. drug users or get pregnant at an early age. which the last time i checked a lot of kids from 2 parents household also turn to crime. I grew up with 2 parents and I lived in FEAR of them at least my child will NOT live in FEAR of me.

    My daughter is a happy healthy smart 2 year old. she is MY life. she has made me a better person. and I have been forgiven by God for my sin. and that is all that matters to me.

    So before you judge someone try and put YOUR SELF in their shoes it's not easy being a single parent father or mother.

    And BTW father's have a tougher time because they can't get the child support that was ordered. and another thing I get NO child support NO welfare I work to raise my child. so back off single parents unless you know what they have been through.

  4. until men change their attitude towards women and parenthood, I can only see the number of single mothers increasing. Sad, but true.

  5. I think there are a lot. Not all of them are by choice. A lot of times the "men" get scared and take off. Or kids think it will be cool to have a baby and do it with their friends. That is the saddest thing to me.

    The kids in my old HS think it is fun and cool to be pregnant. When I was in HS, if I got pergnant, I would have been so embarrassed that I wouldn't have gone back. I wouldn't flaunt it like they do.

  6. yes i do think that there are too many single moms and with each day that passes there are more and more....

  7. There are too many single mothers out there, but the reasons are many and few are about being able to "keep a man".

  8. Hi there...

    My mother was a single mother my whole life  -  she worked and did her best! I am very proud of her for the struggles she faced and even overcame...she even managed to put herself through school when I became a teenager! She's like a superhero to me! ( never recieved child support ar welfare either)

    I am also a single mother...I prefer it this way...I also do not recieve child support or welfare...I work and do what is necessary to care for myself and my child! The father (in both cases) was not quite as ready as he thought,(...hmmm,...sound familiar to anyone else?!) - why would I want to push him if he is not ready...then neither of us could be happy and probably end up resenting each other...I personally don't want to live that way! Not only that but my ex didn't want to work (shortly after we moved in together) and I wasn't going to support him so that he could make my life harder! I didn't find out I was pregnant until after we went our seperate ways...he denied that it was his and I'm okay with that since I won't ever have to worry about dealing with him again!

    Sometimes things just don't work out...I think that women are finally starting to realize that they don't need a man to survive...especially if they only want to stick around to make things more difficult rather than share in the responsiblities and partnership that comes with relationships and marriage.

  9. There's no reason why a single mother can't bring up her child well.

    A woman who can't keep her man is likely to also be a poor mother, but I don't think that means the cause of poor mothering is a missing father.

  10. I think that there are too many divorces and people marrying for the wrong reasons. Single parenthood (not just moms) can be more successful than children from split homes where the children are exposed to emotional pulling back and forth from the divorced couple and also from 2 parent homes where there is fighting, abuse or other non-nurturing activities.

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  11. There are way more single mothers then fathers but they still have the same issue. A lot of young children have s*x and then the father leaves because he can't man up and take responsibility. Same when mothers leave there children.  It's sad because a lot of fathers (and mothers) don't step up when they sleep around.

  12. I know, I'm a kid and I hate how misbehavish the other kids are in school, and how much crime is commited by younger people, and it's SOOOO annoying! it's like when you get married, do you plan to stay married? it's stupid how many people are single, women and men, because their love for eachother isn't enough to keep them together, so I guess it's more sad then stupid.

  13. Im a single mother and ive probably told this story so many times because some people are so ignorant. Before you look at someone and think the worst at least know what she went through just to get there.

    I was sexually assaulted and i prefer using that word because everytime i read or hear "Rape" i cant stand it. It makes me shudder in disgust. When i found out i was pregnant i contacted the father who didnt sound very happy. In fact he insisted i get an abortion because he couldnt afford to raise a kid even though he was a builder at the time. See the thing is he kept pushing for s*x despite me telling him "No" each time and when i get pregnant he whimpers out.

    So i kept it to myself. For 2 months my parents believed i had been drinking but i never told them the truth til i had to see my pastor. Because it had been so long since i was sexually assaulted the cops said it was a hard case to prosecute. He said she said...i would most probably lose.

    My son is now 2 and a half and my dad earns good money so he takes care of us but one day my son is going to ask me about his father and i will tell him the truth. At the same time i will teach him to respect males and females. Dont be too worried about single mothers. Id be more concerned with what and how they teach their child. Values is everything age is nothing

  14. Yes, but where there is a single mother there is a man who is a single father or who did not accept responsibility.

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