
Ladies, girls which guy would you prefer, why?

by  |  earlier

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(I) None of the above

please state why or why not...thanks




  1. idk why tho but either

    A or H

  2. I'll take the screaming painted warrior in in photo C please.

  3. They're not my type, but I like B and E because of their long hair.

  4. I would have to agree with Molly B - ( J ) - All of the above.  Why?  Well because even though they all have different a look, they are all very s**y in their own way.  ;)  Have a great weekend!

  5. (H) hes cute

  6. I honestly don't know that to say. I think they're all very handsome men. It would all depend on the way they treat me, and others around them. Not to mention how they respect their mothers. Because the way they treat the women in their families will be a direct representation of how they will treat me.

  7. none they are all not overly attractive. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so you can never get one right answer. The quality that attracts me the most is intelligence if that helps.

  8. I)

    None of the above

    Granted they all are attractive in their own way but none of then are what I'd particularly go after if I was at a bar or something. Most of them look like the unintelligent, hard partying frat boys I met in college. Those guys aren't my type.

    I like guys who are well-read and into the arts. Theatre, museums, street shows, jazz clubs, etc. I also prefer guys who'd rather sit at home by the fire, enjoying some wine and good conversation with friends or grabbing a beer and having a bbq in the back yard than guys who'd prefer to visit every club in town from the hours of 10 pm-6 am.

    I prefer guys who look confident but not cocky, happy, fun loving, laid back and intelligent.

    The two pictures above are the kind of guys I'd go for.

  9. Wow, how about none of them... they are all gross.... I'll take the chick on the one picture ;-)

    and I am not even g*y.

  10. I'd have to say A, that is like the personification of what I'm attracted to. I really dig the Mediterranean look.

  11. It's impossible to say without knowing anything about them.  Any info on favorite books and movies, hobbies and stuff like that?

  12. g & h

    ballack & kaka!

  13. This is hard. Yumm.

    I would say A

  14. Being that I am a fanatic Liverpool supporter, I'd have to say C and D. Torres and Gerrard are both very attractive and they are both  amazing football players and I have to chose them. If the pictures were of Australian rugby players I might be able to judge them just from their  looks but with football, no way. Sorry :)

  15. C

  16. (J)  All of the above.    Why? Because they are all s**y, each one in his own way. Soooo very s**y....

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