
Ladies, have you ever convinced your husband to let you get another dog?

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I really want another dog. Right now we have a small Shih Tzu and while cute & fluffy, she's not much fun. I want a big dog. I've always wanted a great dane. But my husband is adamant about it and says it's either him, or a dog. Why does he have to be like that? It's not like I'm asking him to take care of it. I take care of the animals, not him. How can I convince him to let me get another dog?

Besides, I would think he would want a big dog.. a man's dog. Our Shih Tzu is not only a female, but is really a girly dog...

Any suggestions on what I should do here?




  1. Bringing a dog into the home is a FAMILY decision. You need to sit him and and talk with him about it. You're in a bit of a pickle because you both have equal say in what should come into the home - IE  this isn't you trying to convince mom and dad. But you can't just expect him to be happy that you want another dog and immediately cave.

    Find out WHY he doesn't want a second dog. Does he not like the thought of the size? Does he think a larger dog won't be happy in your current address? Does he not want to deal with the shedding? Does he not want to deal with the training aspects? Does he not want to deal with "bad" behaviors? Does your current dog have any problems?  Does he have to do anything as far as care goes? Does he not want to get stuck with caring for a second dog? Is he worried about costs?

    Honestly, some people are one dog only types. As his wife, you have to accept that as much as he has to accept that you want a second dog. If you can't come to a conclusion then think on it for a while and go back and talk it out later on. Listen to each other. I don't know about you but my priority would be my husband, not a second dog.

  2. I have to say that my situation is the exact opposite of yours. My husband is a dog person, and I am not. We have a chihuahua and I can't stand him! My husband said if I get rid of the dog, then I have to get rid of him!! That makes me very angry. If he brought home another dog I would absolutely flip out! I don't think that is a very nice thing to do to somebody who doesn't like dogs. (Mainly because the dog keeps crapping all over our house and my baby crawls on the floor!) I don't blame your husband for saying "it's me or the dog", I feel the same way. Some people think that dogs are discusting animals and some people want to keep their stuff looking nice!!!

    B.T.W.   I don't care what all you dog lovers think of me. Go ahead and give me a low rating. I still won't like the d**n things.

  3. My husband and I are a team and we respect each other.  We've been considering another dog for at least a year now.  There are breeds that he absolutely doesn't want.  So, I respect that.  Just as he'd respect it if he wanted a breed that I didn't.  

    It's not his fault that the Shih Tzu isn't "much fun".  That you can't figure out how to make the dog fun tells me that there is no way in h**l that you could handle a Great Dane.

    Part of marriage is compromise.  Is your marriage really worth putting at risk because you can't get another dog?

  4. In this case, I have to say, you picked him and it's only fair that you accept his wishes.

    I personally would make it very clear how things will work with my dog if I ever do get married.  (I couldn't even imagine marrying someone who wasn't a "big dog person")  It doesn't sound like you made that kind of agreement.  

    Maybe rather than going and getting another dog you could find something new and fun to do with your current dog - like obedience trials.

    I hate to say it, but in this case I don't think it's a "ditch the guy" scenario.  He's not being unreasonable and telling you to get rid of a dog, he just doesn't want another one.  Maybe you can talk with him and see if there are things he is concerned about that you can work through and he would have a different position.

  5. The only reason the Shih Tzu isn't fun is because you aren't exercising her enough.  Run around and play with her in the yard every day.  Take her to a dog park and run around with her and other little dogs there on a daily or nearly daily basis.  Many men absolutely love my Toy Poodle at the dog park.

    If hubby doesn't want another dog, so be it.  Make the most of the one you have.

    Edit: Neither my husband nor I had a dog when we married, but were both dog lovers.  Our Toy Poodle was given to us as a gift a few years after we were married.  I had a client whose family breeds them, and they asked me if we wanted one of the puppies that they couldn't sell as a going away gift(we were moving).  I told them I had to ask my husband about it first and get back with them.  I asked him, and he said it would be fine if they gave her to us.  The rest is history.  I have recently asked him about getting a second dog, a playmate, and he said that would be fine.  We are waiting a few months yet so our house will be almost paid off and we'll have $$$ to get one from a shelter.  It will also be on the smaller side.  Hopefully a Beagle or a Beagle mix.

    Anyway, I would have accepted a no as an answer had he said that.

  6. My hubby lets me have as many dogs as I feel I can handle.  The trick is to get a dog to connect with him, and as he bonds with that dog he will begin to see the worth of all the others.  Unfortunately, some people do not like pets at all, and there is nothing much you can do about it.

  7. If you wanted a lot of dogs, you should have chosen a husband with similar preferences.

    Which is more important to you, your hubby, or another dog?

  8. Mybe your husband is scared of it, see if he will go for a slightly smaller dog , that is still a large breed like a German Shepherd, they ar eexcellent. Maybe he doesn't want that big of a dog in the house, maybe he would agree on a dog with longer hair that could stay outside part time in the winter (again a GSD, can you tell they are my favorite : )  or something, ask him exactly 'why' he doesn't want a big dog and go from there : )

  9. LOL I have 6 dogs,3 cats and a bird I have brought home all of them but 1 . No convincing here. good luck

  10. I don't know, but I just brought home the dog, and let him fall in love with it. After the dog fell asleep on his lap, he was sold. I would make sure that the dog could be brought back if you try this method. Ask the person you are getting the dog from, if you could bring it back if it doesn't work out.

  11. Makes me think of a funny!

    Get a t shirt that says:

    Husband doesn't want me to get a dog...Sure gonna miss him!  ;-)

    At my house it's the other way around, my husband wants all the strays and stray cats as well!

  12. maybe he is going to surprise you with one! that's what i did for my husband...I kept telling him..nope no more dogs. Then, I got him his dream dog..a pitbull. Maybe you should ask for  a little smaller of a dog...i mean a great dane is huge!!

    whats up with the thumbs down??? whatever yall are rude

  13. I convinced him to get our little mutt Penny, and 7 months later he's still cursing me for it.

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