
Ladies, how do you feel about clubs letting women in free if...?

by  |  earlier

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if they wear nothing but a shirt with any underwear? or no shirt only their bra, or in their bathing suit, etc. and guys just wear normal clothes?

I was never the feminist type, but this really bothers me for some reason. I feel like they objectify women TOO much. I'm pretty sure of course guys love this. of course people are going to say, "But it's the woman's choice" but basically they're urging them to do it especially when it's FREE.

Thoughts, and opinions? even if you disagree about this, just be respectful.




  1. Yeah it is unfair but what does that tell you about the type of women who do decide to use this to get into the club in the first place ;)

  2. That's really bad, degrading, and objectifying. They really should not do that. They would not be able to inspire me to do that.

    edit: I think the option should be allowed to both men and women if they are going to have it.

    edit: I just don't think it's okay to pressure/objectify men or women like that. And it's especially wrong to just put that pressure on women from a feminist point of view and wrong to not give men the same opportunity and make them pay as if they don't attract women like women attract men from a masculant point of view.

  3. I don't like that idea.  I also don't like the idea of "Ladies' Night".  Think about it: You get bunch of women in free, with free or discounted drinks, they get drunk, and the men get a bunch of "Drunk 'N' Hot Girls" (thanks Kanye!) to have their way with.  Yay.

  4. This question will answer all your questions, so respond and let me kno wat u think?;...

  5. I think it's unfair that the option is not offered to men.

    Edit- Hehe Molly :P

  6. If a woman is willing to go bra-less or half naked for a measly $40, then she obviously doesn't need much urging.  If she is being objectified and degraded then it is of her own doing.

    I  think it's her choice and I have no objections to her doing something that is not harming others.

    Edit:  I agree Shivs.  By all means, we need more hot shirtless men in clubs.  h**l, I'll pay their cover charge. lol

  7. More ladies less men thats how it should be in the clubs

  8. I personally have NEVER gone to bars, clubs etc where you might meet, talk to or have s*x with strangers. None of that interests me. So my take is that why do you care what the club rules are? Just find out the rules and decide if you want to get in that way or not. It is the club's right to make this rule.

  9. Apparently the people who work at clubs have no self-control. If I got into a club for free when nobody else (or, at the very least, no men) did, I'd pay anyway.

  10. your complaining?

    Wish i got let in for free.

    Well usually when i go out i go to the place where i know the owner, so i get in free anyway.

    But everyone else has to pay.

  11. There are clubs that let you get in free depending on how little clothing you are wearing?


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