
Ladies, how does your self image effect how you see men?

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I know several women who think that men pretty much don't care where they get s*x as long as they get it. One woman in particular who is grossly obese thinks all men just use women for s*x and move on. Then others who have more self esteem seem to have a higher opinion of men.




  1. The reason why some men have become this way is because the women have become "too easy". If you go back and read some history you see that men had to marry the woman he loved to get s*x. Today women do it like free prostitution.........

  2. This is more about how you have been treated in the past by men.

    When I dated a jerk, I felt fat, ugly, unsexy, ect. After I broke up with him I gained weight, stayed home at night, and became bitter. What he said about me eventually came true because he demolished my self esteem.

    Your example of the obese woman is interesting. I am sure her view on men is effected by the many "car honks" and nasty comments men have made towards her appearance. So she is most likely justified.

    I will put it this way. Your body largely defines how you are treated by others.

    When someone is mistreated, it stays with them.

  3. That's what users do. They use you and then move on. This using has nothing to with men or s*x. She must have been "used" for s*x at some point in time and she harbors ill feelings over this happening to her. It was her choice to allow the s*x to happen in the first place. Now that she is grossly obese as you say she would probably be happy to have an overnighter.

  4. Of course there are moments where men and women  only want sexual gratification but overall these are few and far between.  

    I think that if a woman views her sexuality as her only asset, she will think that all men have the same view.  

  5. I had a girlfriend who is vision impaired (low vision) and considered "unattractive" by her family that had the same view of men: that all men want is s*x. We differed greatly in our view points concerning men, that's for sure. But she came to this conclusion because of the past abuse in her life, not because the statement is true. Saddly, she had a very low opinion of herself. So, yes, I think a person's own self image does affect how we view others, no matter what that opinion is. Abuse can cloud our judgment of others also. ♥ ∞

  6. Men do what men do; some are after s*x, others not, and some are after both.  No, big deal we just live our lives.

  7. conceited as it sounds - i'm a good looking girl. i don't hate men, but i don't trust them. nearly every time a guy approaches me, he starts to talk down to me like i'm some idiot barbie doll. it pisses me off so much.

    i have good self esteem, but i can't say i hold men to the goblet of justice and light.

    friendship wise - i love men.

    romance wise - i'm wary and a bit suspicious. - i want someone to like me for more than my tlts thank you

  8. well i think that is a true thng itzz nt alwayzz like tht with all the men...some are really better than others..n dun use women just for entertainment and s*x

  9. its the basis for much of how we perceive the world. A woman's self esteem is very fragile and it effects so much about us that if we feel ugly, fat or unloved we cant imagine someone else who doesn't see us the same way and so we always seek an ulterior motive when someone does otherwise. If I feel fat and ugly then why would a man not also see me that way and so if he is interested then it must just be for cheap s*x. However when I feel very attractive then I see men seeing me the same way too. This isn't a fixed rule just an honest answer to a difficult question.

  10. I think self esteem will effect the way you view everyone around you. You find reasons they are just as "bad" as you or things that make you better then them. Also previous relationships, especially early in life will effect a woman's outlook towards men.

    I personally, having had great relationships with men have a very high opinion of the majority of the opposite s*x.

  11. I'm a woman who cares alot about my image. And i think most men are after s*x or Gf not love or a long term serious relationship. There are men however who do care about things like that, but i do think most just want a s**y girl by their side that they can show off with and get all they want. I think some men do have a good heart, they're just hard to find. Yet i think women play a part for the men who have s*x and move on, because i think it's those people who give it so easy that tend to be the ones who are used for it.

    I don't think it's about the womens self image but what they see or have experienced that makes them think that way.  

  12. I have pretty high self-esteem, and I don't have any opinion of men as a whole; I only look at the individuals.

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