
Ladies, how many of you would cheat on your hubby if you knew for a fact he would never find out?

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i've talked to ALOT of women on Y/A over the years...some were very happily married, and some...well, let's just say that hubby was not getting things done.

feel free to answer honestly. after all, it's not like these people know your real names, or where you live or have the anonymity of the internet working for you :)




  1. No, I wouldn't.  I would end one relationship before delving into another.

  2. Depends on the circumstances.

    I would cheat on my husband if we were in a broken marriage and were staying together only for our kids. He would be cheating on me too, most likely. To me, that's a better situation than getting divorced and making kids suffer. What they don't know, doesn't hurt them.

    If I were in a happy marriage, no, there is too much to sacrifice and lose. I don't know if I'm romantic enough to believe in marriage, but if someday I'm willing to sacrifice so much for one person, I wouldn't have the desire to cheat.

  3. I could never live with that guilt.

  4. if any chicks on here say they've done it or would do it. YOU'RE ALL s***s. in advance.


  5. Hmmmm, now who would make you think this?

    Being married, I would never cheat on my husband.  

    ssıʞ ♥ kiss

  6. No, I wouldn't cheat even if I knew that he would never find out.  It is not only about him not finding out, but the truth is that I would know and I have respect for him and myself.  If things were getting bad and I felt a growing interest in a particular someone, I would like to think that I would face him first and tell him what was going on before I cross  boundaries that I will not be able to cross back.  

  7. Honestly i wouldn't.. I couldn't live with myself doing that and keeping a secret. My husband and i tell each other EVERYTHING!! Happily married 7 yrs and counting!  

  8. well i did kinda i knew for a fact he would never find out ever. but guilt struck me and i had to tell him so i know even if i want to the guilt of doing it is too much

  9. cheatings dirty as f*ck

  10. Absolutely not - I could never do that to our family...whether he knew about it or not - I would know about it & it would bother my conscience.

  11. the guilt would drive me insane, i would end up telling him anyway.

    NO WAY.

  12. even if i knew for a fact hed never find out id never do it my conscience would eat at me and stress me out for the rest of my life it wouldnt be worth it so no i would not

  13. I would never cheat on someone. I think it's down right disgusting.

  14. I did and it is the biggest regret i ever made. Because not only did you cheat or you husband which is a sin. But now you have to ask for repentence and face God. Its a big deal dont do it.

  15. NOOOOO! 100% never ever!!!!

  16. Not even then.

  17. I wouldn't. That's why I'm not in a relationship.

    Cheating is a cowardly thing to do and i don't think only because the partner does not know counts as it never happend.

  18. More than would ever admit. Women are beautiful creatures and are IMO more instinctively loyal then men, but when they cheat....they do it stealthily. Trust me on that!

  19. Absolutely not.  I never would have married if I weren't sure I could be faithful.  Besides now that I have a daughter,  I could never do that to her daddy.

  20. Absolutely not, because I made a commitment to that person.

  21. haha i noticed u have no answers cuz the ladies r afraid their Hubbys will find out HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH..OK i think that was a little bit of OVerkill

    but I'm not married and If i was it would depend who I was cheating with

    SHH! DOn't tell my fake husband :-)

  22. In a relationship (marriage), what you do in the dark comes out in the light...Idea has never cross my mind during this marriage of 24 years.  On cheated playings GAMES those are the FUN GAMES

  23. Not married, but I would never ever do that. So wrong on so many levels

  24. i am not married but i would never ever do that!

    i just couldnt live with myself!

  25. If you are going to cheat just get a divorce. You can never have the truth in your marriage once you cheat. So NO I would not cheat. Even if no one knows but me and the man I cheated with. I could never live that lie. I would know that God knows too.

  26. I'm not married, but I wouldn't be able to handle it. Maybe if I had a horrible marriage and I hated him.

  27. no.  to me a vow is a vow.

  28. NEVER. My husband is the most wonderful man ever. I could never feel the need to cheat on him. No one else could give me more.

  29. not me..

    i dont see the point in being in a relationship if your just gunna cheat.

    your both wasting your time.

  30. No, I wouldn't cheat on my husband even if I knew for certain that there was no way for him to find out.  I've been cheated on and know how it feels.  Also, I am a Christian and cheating would betray all my Christian values and like others have said I would know.  I wouldn't want to live with the guilt plus I want to be able to look my husband in the eyes.  I feel that if I cheated it would be very difficult to face him each day and profess my love to him knowing that I have betrayed our marriage vows; vows that I swore to before man and God. I am rather comfortable in my own skin and I don't need anyone to affirm or reaffirm my worth.

    I feel that people who cheat are insecure and looking for some way or someone to validate them.  

  31. Even though i'm not married, I would never cheat on my boyfriend.

    I love him too much.  

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