
Ladies, please explain this to me...?

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Why is that girls post pictures of celebrities on their walls, notebooks and computer profiles? Would you post a picture of a total stranger or that same celebrity if he or she wasn't famous? No. I never understood this about girls. Not to mention, if half those guys were broke nobodies, you wouldn't consider them attractive at all [i.e. Lil Wayne]. This is why guys call women gold diggers, and if you actually think about it from an objective standpoint, you can see why.

P.S. --- this is not an attack on women. I just want to see a woman's response on this. I know guys do the samething but I think the reasons for that are more obvious.




  1. Because if we like something, we want so show people.

    I like Vogue models, so I have something called a model wall in my room. I post pictures of them up every time I get the magazine.

  2. It's a psychological phase that predominantly teens (either sexes) go through which involves idolizing. And by nature, somebody or something which is nice/pleasant to see has better memory retention than the opposite.


  3. I think the most common reason is that girls see female celebrities as role models. They're the girls the guys like and who everyone wants to be. So they put their pictures up because they respect and admire them. I fully agree about the rich=attractive thing. It makes no sense to me...

    Oh and obviously there are some women who put pictures of female celebrities up for the same reason guys do.

  4. I've seen to many madonna pics to think it's just women.  By the way my computer screen has a Butterfly man and I don't think he has a name.  It's just the bod.  And the pretty wings.

  5. Well guys post pictures because they think a girl is hot, I think it's the same for girls, they think a certain guy celebrity is hot so they do that.

  6. I'm one woman that doesn't do that. Girls surround themselves with celebrities either because they think they are hot or because they see them as role models. Most women today are gold-diggers; its about money. Most women only like rich men for their money. You're certainly right; if they found a man they thought was attractive and found he was broke, they would ignore him and keep looking for money. This world has turned into a disastrous place, and the people are eating themselves inside-out.  

  7. technically its not like that. i put posters up just because i like it. if i think a celeb is hot (jake gyllenhaal)  i would put it up in my room...but i don't know what your talking about profiles and strangers stuff....what girls are you seeing???? anyways, its like if guys put their favorite band on their wall...its nothing different from girls


  8. you are very right, my man. If Nick Jonas were a hobo his face wouldn't be hanging up in girl's rooms across America.  

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