
Ladies, tell the truth. have you ever?

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ladies, tell me. if you've ever had to try to slap a guys face, have you EVER had your smack blocked? or missed? EVER? i've had a couple college ladies, they hang back theat right smack so fast, i can't block it. i don't think any guy can. so if you've ever tried it, have you ever had it blocked? are you too fast also?




  1. You'd have to have said or done something that would make you expect her to slap you, so that you were ready and waiting for it...

  2. Haven't you asked this question before?

  3. Ummmm yes and no.  

    The only time I ever tried to hit a man I broke his nose.  I did however take a swing at my son once (I won't even tell you what he said in front of his grandmother) and missed.

  4. Yes I've tried before and missed, but the fine men on this forum have shown me the error of my ways and I shall nevermore attempt to slap someone, even if they are acting like a jerk.  Will just walk away.

  5. As an adult-I've never slapped a man or woman's face-and hopefully didn't do it as a child-but I lived in a violent household and blocked out a lot of what happened to me and what I did as well. I dislike violence of any kind-no matter what the cause.

  6. why the h**l would a slap you..when i can just punch u in the gut. sure slapping stings...but punching someone really hard in the gut knocks the breath out of them.

    so does hitting them in the ribs...both are pretty effective at stopping someone for a bit. ( ie knocking the wind out of them)

    ive done these things when protecting myself

    with is right at eye level...and can easily be stopped. and is also easily anticipated because that is sadly what most girls would do.

    ive never slapped a guy. much too violent...:P

    men dont expect women to tighten the muscles in thier arm..ball up a fist and hit them as hard as they can in the stomach or ribs.

    of course some men are pretty strong and hitting them in the gut may not have much effect..

    so kicking them in the shin is still effective..thats a very tender may be a rather childish kick....but while they are busy rubbing the pain can take thier head in ur hands and effectively knee him in the face.

    ive never done this...but i have kicked a guy in the ankle..he fell like a sack if was quite made me happy.

    stupid cousin calling me shorty! im not 5ft 7

    and when all else fails and he has you in a head lock...bite him in the side..when he yelps and lets you go...start screaming reallllllllllllllllyyyyyy loud!

    yep..ive done that too... violent.........

    oh well!

  7. Is that some sick fantasy of yours or something? What a weirdo

  8. Put your face out of the computer and I'll show you how fast

  9. yes

  10. shouldn't you be asking " why are they smacking me around" ???

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