
Ladies, what cologne do u like on a guy?

by  |  earlier

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whoops, this question was suppost to go under singles and dating




  1. axe, hollister, A&E..luv them..smell awsome...

  2. Why the heck is this question under boxing???

  3. On my guy I like stetson.  Each one will smell different on each guy.  You should go to the store and spray some on different parts of your body, a different scent on each wrist, each elbow and the outer part of your arm.  Then wear it for a while and see which one smells the best on you.

  4. uh sweat after a hard days work smells great especially when I am in control of the money!!!

  5. umm. armani

  6. we talk hier about boxing not loooooooooove

  7. Lucky you..OMG buy that!  Ohh I love the way it smells..for sure a panty dropper!

  8. none whatsoever. i'm allergic to just about every fragrance under the sun.

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