
Ladies, what could this be? (warning, icky)?

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For the past 3 days I have had small amounts of thick, yellow, smelly discharge. Then today when going pee I noticed fresh blood on the tissue. I thought my period had started but then realized it is not due for a couple of weeks. I have no itching, no sores and no pain.

When I looked my symptoms up on line I found cancer and std's so naturally I am a bit scared. I plan to go to the doc but meanwhile, any ideas?




  1. Dear "What could this be",

          It sounds to me like it could be an STD but there is another option that it might be called bacterial vaginosis. It's caused when some bacteria from your f***s gets into your v****a causing an infection. It's kind of like a yeast infection but way smellier. I had one a few months ago and waited and waited for it to go away and took the yeast infection medicine, which didn't work. Finally, I decided to go to the doctor and found out what it was. My Gyno, simply put me on some antibiotics and everything cleared up. If you want more info on that then here is a good website:


         I would not freak out until you go to the doctor and get tested and get the results back. After your doctors visit and receiving the results, and you find it is an STD. The main questions you have to ask yourself is who did you get it from and who might you have given it to if you were unsafe in your sexual practices or have had multiple partners. I am sure you're well versed on what STDs are out there and which ones are curable and which aren't. If you're not here is a great site to check out . There are links to fact sheets on any kind of STD you can think of. Good Luck at the doctors office and I hope it's nothing serious.  

  2. It could be yeast or BV, but only your doctor can tell you which.

    And incidentally, you don't need to have ALL the symptoms of a yeast infection to actually have one.  Itching and discharge are hallmarks, but they're not the be-all-end-all of it.  You can even have an "asymptomatic" (or completely symptomless) infection.

  3. the thick yellow discharge sounds like classic yeast infection.  Not sure if blood is a syptom but it very well could be.

  4. You could have yeast or, if sexually active, trichinosis.  Thick, yellow and smelly mostly equals infections of some type.  Go and get evaluated as soon as possible.  STD's, with the exception of HIV and some very resistant strains of gonorrhea, are fully treatable to cure. To prevent long term damage to reproductive systems that could lead to infertility it is important to fully treat an STD early.  That may mean taking a full course of antibotics or other medications to destroy the infection.

    Don't take a chance.  See your doctor asap.

  5. It could be any number of things. Just don't try and make yourself a self diagnosis, it'll only freak you out more. I think it might be something like an STD, maybe some sort of infection.

    I don't know really, I thing you should just go to the doctor and get them to check it out. Good luck :)

  6. ive had this problem since i was 11 go to a doctor

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