
Ladies, what do you ABSOLUTELY LOVE about the male gender?

by  |  earlier

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In society we go on and on about the "virtues" and qualities of women, but rarely celebrate the qualities of the male gender.




  1. I love how loyal men are to their mothers.  

  2. Well if we're talking about generalizations then i really love the laid back, easy going quality of most males i know.

    I think guys sometimes make better friends.

    Although my two best friends are female most of my other friends are guys just because i find it so much easier to instantly get on with them.

    I feel more comfortable around guys to randomly start conversation or ask for help i feel usually they are more willing.

    I know it's not the case with all guys though.  

  3. They are not drama queens!!!  

  4. My husband is good at fixing things...sorry that's all I can celebrate right now...

  5. They're there, and make life interesting.

  6. a guy who is funny likes things you like is hot and thinks of you a a person and not just a girl  

  7. I love a man who is a good father figure. Someone who can be compassionate and a protector and who stands up for their beliefs.  

  8. Men are always very amusing. It's hard to explain.  I love strong hands.  There's security in having someone around who you know could take over and take care of things if needed.  In the same vein it's nice to have someone who is physically stronger than you.  Someone that you can trust, of course.  It's a package deal.

  9. I love the protective instincts of men... I always feel very safe when I'm with my boyfriend.

    I love the logic, intelligence and practicality men can bring to discussions.

    I love men with strong leadership qualities who can be great role models for their children.

    We need men in society, just as we need women. I wouldn't like to be without my male friends and relatives.

  10. I love how simple many men are in comparison to women.

    A woman may pretend to be someone's best friend for whatever reason, but really talk all kinds of c**p about  them behind their back.

    Guys, on the other hand, tend to be more upfront. If they have a problem with another guy, they'll be like, "Eff you, man" "Yeah, Eff you too." And end of discussion. No lying, no backstabbing, none of it.  

  11. I love that most men will do what they want and don't worry what others will think. You don't see the majority of men starving themselves to death because they want to impress their friends with their small waistline!!

    Women are mostly followers (although they think they're not) doing what magazines and the TV tells them too. Men do what they want and could careless that some jacka$$ told them they had to have "these" shoes to be hip. Women will pay $550 for a pair of shoes because someone told them too!

    MEN ROCK!!!

  12. I love that men don't need to fill in quiet time with mindless chatter.

    I can walk in the house, grab a beer and sit on the couch watching football with a man for hours without saying a word and truly have a good time.

    I love that most men a know a generally laid back, go with the flow guys. I could wake up in the morning and want to go fishin and then hiking so I call up one of my guys and he's down for it.

    I love the fact that they can get down on the floor and wrestle with a couple of kids and have fun.

    It's very cute.

    I love the fact that they are physically bigger and stronger than I am. It's nice to have a pair of strong, warm arms wrapped around you.

    I love the way they come to your defense, even if you don't need it.

    Really I just love that they're here and they make life fun and interesting. Men add the spice to a woman's life.

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