
Ladies, what do you think about "hobosexual" men?

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Opposite of metrosexual, someone who care little or not at all about their appearance.




  1. A lady prefers someone who is well put together. He has to be classy,

    responsible, neat and clean. Men are not that keen on being that up to date, they worry about men things, like hunting gear, guns and amo, and masculine sports.One thing a quality man would have is respect and self confidence. This is very appealing to women. This lets a woman know that he brings several things to the table. He is educated and knows how to treat women. He is responsible, considerate,  and well mannered. There are some of these gems out there, if a **** hasn't ruined him.

    A hobosexual man deserves a hobosexual woman. Pray they don't have children.  

  2. I don't even know what the h**l all this metrosexual, emo, hobosexual talk is even about.  Maybe I'm too d**n old to even understand any of this talk.  There were always g**s and non-g**s.  But now everything's completely messed up and I don't know what the h**l these terms mean.

    I think the world is just going to h**l.  Things just weren't this complicated 10 years ago.  It's like, you'd find a hot girl, if there was chemistry, you'd hook up and it'd be fine.  Now there's all these weird terms and I don't know what half this stuff even means.

    This metrosexual business is like something I'd expect to see hobos do in the subway or something like that.

  3. That sounds like the kind of person I would not want to invite to a party.  

  4. I cannot stand high maintainence people. And if a man is more high maintainence than me it is a turn off.

    You'll have to clarify Ronnie, people are assuming that these men are 'slobs'. I assume that it means they don't spend hours in front of the mirror and hundreds of dollars on beauty supplies. Which is it?

    My husband takes a shower nearly every day (as needed). He keeps his hair very short and shaves his face with a hair trimmer so he always has a bit of scruff (Just the way I like it). He would not dream of getting a facial or manicure.

    If this is hobo-sexual then I'm all for it. Like I said I don't like men who are prettier than me. (and that's not hard -lol)

  5. i hope their "i don't care the way i look " attitude doesn't make them judge the women of same attitude in the rest of the other stereotyped ways . And i hope their attitude dose not reflect on most of the other things that they do... which is highly likely of not being the case, because our attitude reflects in most of the things we do.

    Personally it doesn't  matter to me, if they are not style oriented.

  6. I think he'll be alone.

  7. i would rather have that then a metro, i dont like metro's. i think it looks too fem,, i like manly men, not fems!

  8. It's their choice if they want to look s****., but i think its gross.

  9. If that is the lifestyle he chooses to live by, then so be it. But I personally would like to be in a relationship with a man that performs the basic duties of taking care of himself to at least look decent.

  10. The "five o'clock shadow" look?

    Well, it's their own business of course.

    Personally, I'm not a fan.

    Cheers :-)

  11. all about balance...dont want someone who gets facials every Tuesday but come on now he needs to be able to wash himself  

  12. Did you make up that phrase, hobosexual? If so, huzza to you.

  13. well it depends are you hobosexual...haha i get it cause hobo's are sloppy...nevermind that umm...i think its gross cause you don't want to be dating a s****. man...euwww! i want to puke just thinking about what a man like that would look like euwww! gross!

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