
Ladies, what exactly is the "funny bone?" What is its precise medical term...?

by Guest66991  |  earlier

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What is the name of this "bone" as per international Western medical lexicon and where can I find it in a an Anatomic Atlas such as Atlas of Human Anatomy, F. Netter, MD or Orthopaedic Imaging, Stoller?

Thank you.




  1. *sigh* No, crouching dog guy.

  2. I know what it should be...But it's a fit of laughter.

  3. this bone is not actually a bone. and there is nothing funny about getting hit there.

    the "funny bone" is actually the ulnar nerve. for those of you who are not familiar with this way of talking, please give me a moment to explain.

    the radial nerve is on the same side as your thumb. thus radius= thumb side of arm (in anatomical position).

    the ulnar nerve is on the same side as your pinky finger. thus the ulna part of the humerus is medial to the body.

    do you understand where i am coming from? if not, may i suggest you bone up on your anatomy!

  4. Isn't it called the humerus?  Ach...I don't know nothin'.

    Edit:  "bone up on your anatomy."   Cute El Beisbol. lol

    So smart too.  ;)

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