
Ladies, what stops you from showing your interest in that guy you like?

by Guest11100  |  earlier

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Yes, you like him, you may decide to send non-verbal signals but you wait till he comes to you, you don't want to be the one who breaks the ice and "verbally express your interest". Why?

So that male participants don't feel left out, what do you think of ladies who come to you with their open feelings towards you?




  1. I think rejection is the main issue, along with the aftermath of embarrassment. It is generally hard for most girls to express their interest as they are afraid that guys will disagree and further embarrass or hurt their feelings in a big, public way.

  2. Fear of rejection

  3. Being shy, nervous and also the fear of rejection.

  4. fear of rejection.

  5. Personally, as a guy, I would be so surprised and overly flattered if a girl came up to me and told me how she felt.  I would love it.  It seems that the norm is for the guys to make the first move of talking or breaking the ice.  And the reason we have so many problems with it is also because of fear of rejection.

  6. i'm very shy. liking someone makes me shier and more nervous around them. i'm rubbish even at breaking the ice with people i don't 'like-like'.

  7. uaually it's bcos of  the dumb c**p coming outta his mouth!  some things are better left seen and not heard :-)

  8. I think most guys prefer to be the chaser, so coming on to him mgiht make him think I'm too aggressive or needy.

    Also, people want more what they can't have.  

    Besides, I prefer to be chased. I hate having to do the chasing, and if a guy makes me do it, I lose interest.

  9. fear of rejection does it for me, and many other women too.

  10. Its a mixed up world - If I have to go to a guy then I feel like a tramp or that he is not willing to come to me so why should I - and he is probably thinking (and would be right) if he came to me I would blow him off like I always do.... go figure.

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