
Ladies, what would be the nicest thing that your boyfriend or husband can do for you now?

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Ladies, what would be the nicest thing that your boyfriend or husband can do for you now?




  1. Rub my feet. :)

    I cooked a huge meal tonight, found a great deal at an estate sale on a desk and a valet for his suits... yep... rub my feet.

  2. I would be very happy if my bf would be more affectionate toward me.

    he isn't romantic at all.

  3. My husband is out of town working and right now, the best thing he could do for me is to walk through that door and put his arms around me.  Just to be held in his arms is enough.

  4. Have s*x with me!

  5. say sorry to me for tellin me hes forced to be with me.. were not even married wtf..he can kiss my f"n a$$ he should be so honored to b with me

  6. Give me ice cream, then take me to bed...


  8. He could REALLY clean the house. I'm pregnant and on bed rest, so my mom is coming to our house several times a week to do housework, but in between her visits NOTHING is getting done. The beds aren't getting made, the laundry isn't getting washed, the dishes are piling up in the sink, everything is just staying where it falls. I've asked him to pick up, but he'll just pick up a few things in the living room or wipe down the kitchen. I really can't stand the house being in disorder. I've even come to a breaking point a few times and just done some of it myself even though I'm not supposed to. I'd love for him to make the beds, do the laundry, wash the dishes, pick up everything, take out the trash, and vacuum without me even asking. That would be soooo nice!

  9. well. the nicest thing that my boyfriend has done recently, was that when i went to his house, he suprised me with candles lit everywhere in his bedroom. It took my breath away. Something so small, can make a girl go weak in her knees.

  10. sit on the couch with his arms around me and watch lame late night sitcoms with me.

  11. Be sensitive and very attentive.  After being married and kind of falling in to that rut...I'd like for him to take me on a romantic date and make me feel really special.

  12. Well we are going to bed soon so...

    but seriously, we are having some of his family over for dinner on Sunday and we need to clean so vacuuming or dusting or both would be wonderful.

    Also we are going shopping for our wedding bands tomorrow night, I cannot wait!

  13. Come home: except he just left for a ball tournament and won't return until Sunday evening :(.

    Call me and tell me that he loves me.

    Show up on our doorstep naked with a dozen roses or tell me that I can go spend 100s of dollars on clothes.

  14. beg me to take him back , apologize in front of people and have flowers sent to my work and have a tattoo of a wedding band or a heart  or wedding rings on his hand with our names. renew our vows and beg everyone for forgiveness of how hes treating me.

  15. Ladies... you deserve it. Thanks for some tips. I love my wife very much and appreciate your responses.

  16.   My husband is letting me sleep in tomorrow!!

  17. set up a candlelight picnic.

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