
Ladies, when you go to a seafood restaurant?

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how fresh do you like the restaurant to keep the lobster crab or fish....

1.frozzen and ready to cook when you order it.

2.fresh from one one day before.

3.keep them alive in a special tank till you order it to eat...




  1. definately 3, that way you know it's fresh and nothing was wrong with it!

  2. #3. It it's not moving when it goes in the pot, forget about it. Freshness it everything in good tasting seafood. I'd love to eat more - crab,lobster, shrimp, flounder. I grew up eating the good stuff in Calabash, NC where the restaurants were built right where the fishing boats docked and unloaded. All my recent attempts to enjoy seafood have been thwarted in Red Lobster and even Whole Foods. I'd take a bite and decide I couldn't stand it. The dog and cats didn't mind it but they've never tasted the really good fresh stuff.

  3. 1 i feel bad if they are alive and have to die just for me to eat

  4. fresh from one day before

  5. Definitely 3 but its kinda gross at the same time. I guess it depends on how empathetic you are to animals.

  6. Definitely not  #1 ! Frozen seafood is just NASTY!

    I would rather pay more money and go to a restaurant  that  gets it's seafood in fresh every other day.

  7. 2.

  8. 1 Probably OR 2 :)

  9. keep them alive in a special tank till you order it to eat

  10. 2

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