
Ladies, when you go to the store do you get embarassed when perusing the feminine hygiene products or ...?

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... when checking out with an enormous box of tampax and or vaginal douches (things like that)?




  1. Haha!  No, I guess you get past it at a young age.  At 12 I think I felt a little uncomfortable, but at 21 I'm just over it!  It's a fact of life.  I think male cashiers might feel more uncomfortable swiping the box of tampons than the woman buying them!  

    On another note, I don't know a lot of women who use douche, by the way.  It doesn't make you "clean", it messes with your natural chemistry.  Just FYI to the ladies who may be reading this!

  2. I hate buying that stuff - I always have.

    I don't use douche. That stuff is gross and not good for the system anyway.

  3. h**l no.. Mature men know it is a must.. Ur mom lived w/ ur dad.. They know whats up.. However, I would be embarrassed if a bled in white pants.. Lol

  4. Heck no I'm not embarrassed. I could care less what people think, I am a healthy functioning woman so darn what anyone thinks (male or female)!

  5. Not since I became an adult.  When I was a pre-teen it was a little embarrassing, but once I got past the age where nearly everyone had their periods, then it didn't matter anymore.  

    I was raised with a really healthy model of dealing with my own femininity.  For women who have been shamed into feeling that having a period is dirty or unclean, the experience might be completely different.

    My husband also is not embarrassed to be seen buying me tampons.  He says that anyone who sees him buying them knows for sure that he's got a wife, and that's not a bad thing at all.

  6. Usually no. However, if there are a guy who I know...I would feel embarrasses just to even look at that section of product, because it is so weird~~ you and that guy are having a normal conversation....and if I said I want to go buy or look at that feels weird to go on back to the normal conversation while it is also weird to talk about the product I want to look at.

  7. Of course not.

  8. I do attempt to find a female cashier, and do get a little embarrassed, but hey its a fact of life that women need that stuff so hey at least Im takin care of And buying in bulk is smart... were gonna need em next month anyways so why not save Strange questions tonight i must say.

  9. Why?  It's not like I'm buying a huge tube of something for vaginal warts or hemoroids.  Everybody (i.e. women who menstrate) has to buy the stuff, so what's the big deal?

  10. I used to when I first needed those things, but now that I'm 15, I really don't care what people think of me too much.

  11. No way!

  12. not too badly with PMS tabs, pads, tampons, douches, or condoms, but with pregnancy tests, and lubes, oh yes! I've actually bought a pregnancy test a few days ago and had a cashier comment about "well I would hope it turns out positive for you.. blah blah about me having cute kids and also having a good "childbearing body shape!!" ( I am a curvy girl but jeez)

    I've never had the reason (knock on wood) but I think yeast infection stuff would make me blush or be embarrassed.

  13. WOW... yes i did once

  14. Of course not. How silly.

  15. Why would we be?  Are you embarrassed when you're buying condoms???  The answer is, no.  It's something that we all naturally do and need.

  16. I do sometimes, I try to be discreet about it, I must admit.

  17. hahahhahahhaha NO WAY. Those men can think wtvr they want abt us Women. They will prolly never see us again- and even if they do, Every one knows so its REALLY no big deal. =]

  18. no not at all.....but self check outs are pretty nice

  19. get more embarrassed buying condoms..

    i really wouldnt want ppl to know i was gonna " do it" ( giggles nervously)

    besides ive been dealing with the feminine stuff for almost 20 yrs. i should be used to it by now.

  20. i dont get embarassed :) every girl needs tampons... and alot of girls need condoms!

    but if the guy checking me out looks embarassed then i say loudly "i wonder if i should buy the other brand of condoms? what do u think?"

  21. No, but I do get a bit embarrassed when buying Imodium -AD.

    P.S.- Do people actually still buy douches?

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