
Ladies, would you help a man with a suitcase?

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A woman at the airport (a passenger) helped me offload a heavy suitcase from the conveyor. I was pleasantly surprised and I wondered if she was an exception or if there are others like her.




  1. of course, we should all help out our fellow PERSON.

  2. I really appreciate it when people

    do random acts of kindness like that.

    once i dropped my bookbag and the most

    random guy picked it up for me.

    Im sure theres more people like

    her..I try to be =)

  3. In truth, were he in need of help; and, I were able the answer is yes.

  4. I'd do it. She was clearly not a feminist.

  5. That was very good of her.  She seems to have noticed that you were a person needing help and that she was an able-bodied person currently capable of helping.  It's not like your heavy suitcase could be impossible to move if you're still doing at least some of the work.

    I can't say that I've ever done something like that at an airport -- I've somehow not been on a plane as an adult, either -- but I have often helped guys who seem to be having difficulty with carrying boxes or would really appreciate not having to get/hold a door because their arms are full as I see them around where I work (college campus with bad parking, so there are lots of people with too much stuff) and such.  I do that for women, too.  

    I'd hope that people will do the same for me when I could really use it, so it only makes sense to help out even random strangers currently in that position myself.

  6. Yes. Actually I do this all the time I like the feeling of helping people. That's what my dad taught me to be helpful and polite. I enjoy to do this.

  7. In the Chicago O'Hare airport, I was carrying 2 suitcases and a laptop and still managed to hold doors open for everyone who walked through the door behind me, male or female, give directions to an elderly couple, and show someone how to use the "el" ticket station (the "el" is the train system in Chicago).

    There are nice people of both's just that...nice people. It has nothing to do with being a man or a woman. Most people are genuinely nice and care for other human beings. I would argue that people who are selfish and won't help others are actually the minority.

  8. In a crowded place I would definitely help him. However this is a trap that some predators can use to incapacitate their victims. If a man or woman is struggling and it is not a crowded area then do not help them for you own safety.

  9. It's a kind and considerate act.  

  10. I would help ajnyone that has bags and I didn't. Yes when moving furnitre/etc I've asked if they need a hand.  

  11. I would offer to help anyone that I see who needs help and I do.  

  12. Sure I would, if he asked for it.

  13. Sure, why wouldn't I?

  14. no it isnt good for my back..

  15. Why wouldn't they. When we take trips and have 3 suitcases I grab 2 and she grabs the remaining. Or if 4 we split it. We both have arms.  

  16. Yes i would, but i would hardly be doing much. I would only help because it's the decent thing to do, i probably wouldn't be much help but hey, treat others how you wish to be treated. :)

  17. Sure, I help just about anyone that I physically can, male or female. ♥ ∞

  18. Absolutely I would!  This day and age it doesn't hurt for a woman to step up and help out a man.  I've had plenty of times where men have helped me with something heavy, why not return the favor?

  19. yes, of course, i offer to help anyone with luggage if they need it

  20. Of course I would; and have helped men carry even heavier things.

  21. I only weigh 112 lbs.  I wouldn't be much help.  However if you just had too many bags, I would be glad to help with something smaller.

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