
Ladies,dont it make you feel good to see men asking wedding questions?

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Most men dont care.I give these men credit on here.




  1. I am just as involved with my wedding as the bride to be. Ladies aren't the only ones that know how to throw a kick@ss (with class) party!!

  2. I imagine its the female equivalent to a man hearing a woman say "It's steak and bake potatoe tonight! Come and get it!"

  3. Yes!!!!  It's nice to see men equally as excited about making their wedding day special for themselves and their love!!  It must be really fun and great bonding experience to have a Fi that's equally interested in the details of their wedding.   Although, I'm left wondering one thing?  If men start becoming increasingly interested in wedding plans, are we going to see a Groomzilla epidemic?  

  4. Yeah I think it's great when they care enough to make it special, but if they start caring too much like about the dresses, colors, flowers, and all the girly kind of stuff then.. that's another story. :S

  5. Yes, I love when guys show interest in wedding details. The only things my husband cared about were the tuxes and the food!

  6. They're probably girls with male avatars

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