
Ladies,if you wear a low cut blouse do you suspect men will look at your breast when your putting it on?

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Why do women wear low cut shirts and not expect guys to look at their breast or try and look down their shirts?




  1. Why wear a low-cut blouse if you're not trying to shoe your titties?

  2. i dont really think about guys when im dressing, but i do wear low cut blouses ,and poka dot dresses. just like them, but i mostly wear kick *** tees and jeans...coddling my body.heh

  3. I have a small chest anyway. Lol. Not much to look at.

  4. Well Yes please look, if you like what you see keep looking, just do not trip while looking. lol

  5. Now your a guy, I'm not sure you will understand it when i say this but, I'm a D cup, and i get the attention even without a low cut top.

    Most girls will pretend that it isn't their intention by wearing low cut shirts to show their ta-tas. They are SO lying. ha-ha seriously. You don't see third graders wearing those kind of shirts, because they aren't interested in guys yet. I mean, it isn't because they have a flat chest, a TON of flat chested girls wear low cut shirts because they want to show they have a little bit of something there.

    Sure, there are those kind of shirts in style, but there always V necks in style, so that really isn't an excuse.

    Now, most girls want to catch a guy's attention then work the charm. So they use the low shirt to catch the attention. Usually those shirts are used as an attention grabber, but they don't want... them... to be the only thing the guy sees.

  6. I expect men to look at my b***s when I wear a low cut blouse. But not to stay fixated on them. I want them to look at my face too, you know make eye contact.

  7. Because women have a right to wear whatever they want to just like men do. Why do so many men wear baggy pants that show their boxers or underwear?

  8. thats just the style

    and some say..if ya got it,flaunt it

  9. Yeah... that's why I be careful when picking out my outfits to make sure their not too low cut (though it's not really a big problem for me since I'm really flat chested =\)

    I think it's so stupid when girls complain about guys being perverts for looking at their chest... if you don't want them to look at your chest, then don't wear a shirt that is uber low cut!

    However, I do feel sympathy for girls who dress modestly and still have to deal with perverts.

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