
Ladies , is shopping a kind of therapy for you ?

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  1. book shopping and plant shopping, yes

    book shopping because i enjoy choosing new books, thinking about what to read next, bookshops are quiet tranquil havens, and i find it relaxing to flick through the pages .......

    plant (window) shopping at the moment because i miss having a garden ....... i live in a busy urban area and it's relaxing to go and hang out with plants :-)

  2. Shopping for books is therapy for me. I get something out of it, at least.

    Currently reading: A Russian Diary, by Anna


  3. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE shopping lol. All my hard earned money goes away :-(. The ONLY time I sort of enjoy it is when I buy something for me and my fiancee's future home hahahah I get all happy or when I buy something for my handsome little nephew(11 months July 13th which is crazy!) and see him play with it or wear it. I guess in those two cases I can't wait to be with my fiancee in five months(getting married) and set up home especially since we went to different cities for college and yes dated for four years long distance so the idea of being 110% together makes me happy beyond control and as for my nephew well I have a thing for kids. I love them so much so I like to see my little prince get whatever he wants.....hahaha and yes I know this is bad because I will end up spoiling him but it's like a sickness...

  4. I enjoy shopping.. but I don't enjoy spending money.. so I don't do it that often.. I usually have a reason to be there shopping and an amount I'm willing to spend.

  5. I dislike shopping, as a general rule.  I enjoy shopping for books, but am now at a point where there's not enough room in the house for all my books.  I'm trying to build more bookshelves and send some off to friends and family, so at the moment I'm avoiding book shopping.

  6. yes!!!!!!!!'s probably similar to why guys get so into watching/playing sports/video games-- it kind of suspends reality for a little while, you can let go and put your thoughts on something trivial like what earrings to buy for the shirt you just found...and if they're on clearance, it's like your team just made the winning goal on triple overtime!!

  7. No Sweetheart, BEN & JERRY'S is therapy for me!

  8. Nope, not anymore...

    I avoid getting into  "retail therapy" like the plague...ever since I had to file Ch.7 bankruptcy several years back!

    I don't mind telling others because

    #1 it is a matter of public record, and

    #2 there's a lot more people who do it than ya think...some of them who are otherwise very nice people who get caught in the trap of impulsive/compulsive shopping.

    In some cases, becoming bankrupt is about rising medical bills, layoffs etc but sometimes it's due to poor choices and answering the siren song of the shopping malls, too, as well as the fault of the creditors!  Over the past 25 or so years, these credit card companies have doled out their cards like candy...and the credit card companies targeted women, college students and divorcees in particular, and because of their aggressive yet seductive advertising campaigns we've been lead to believe that brandishing the "right" credit cards and having the "finer things in life" will make us "liberated" or make us feel "loved".... and the biggest lie of all, that will turn us into a "Somebody."  No, all it does is make is poorer, lonelier and stressed out about how we're going to pay all those bills...especially in a worsening economy!

    Yes, bankruptcy was a "10 year mistake", and I paid the price and am STILL paying it...but in addition to cleaning up my credit, and becoming much more financially savvy and prudent... I learned a very important lesson through it all...

    NEVER AGAIN will I let shopping become an addiction, NEVER AGAIN will I allow possessions or material goods to become a substitute for any loss or lack in my it self-esteem, friendship, love, etc.  I've learned it's really best to address whatever issues one has head on ... rather than trying to escape by going out and buying a "new hat", and another "hat", and another "hat", and another...

    FTR  shopping addiction can also happen to men, too, but it is more common in women.

  9. no.  But, when I'm in a shopping mood I'm pretty practical and spend my money on presents for birthdays that are coming up or on Christmas gifts.  I use to work in a mall at a restaurant and rarely have the desire to shop, probably in part due to that job at the mall.

  10. No, I detest it.

  11. no.

    shopping is something i do to make sure i look nice- it has no emotional effect on me.

  12. When I moved to a new city, I found myself going to stores just to be in them..not even necessarily to buy anything. When I actually re-evaluated my actions, I realized I wasn't shopping to buy anything but just to feel comforted.

    I've read articles that suggest it's possible to become addicted to shopping, especially if you're doing it compulsively. Web MD describes why some shopaholics enjoy it, stating, "Individuals will get some kind of high from an addictive behavior like shopping," says Engs. "Meaning that endorphins and dopamine, naturally occurring opiate receptor sites in the brain, get switched on, and the person feels good, and if it feels good they are more likely to do it -- it's reinforced." Additionally, we live in a consumer culture and there is a high premium put on owning the latest new item.

  13. sometimes, but i came to think of it more as an addiction - because it only made me feel good for the length of that shopping binge.

    it was not like therapy, in that it did not help me to improve over time, it didn't help me deal with problems.

  14. OH yes !!! It makes me Happy :) It's like chocolate or s*x without the drama and calories. I love love love shoes and purses and jewelry and hair accessories :)

  15. honest... kinda, although I wouldn't say its therapy because it doesn't help my situation it just helps my mood!

  16. It can be. If I am having a really lousy day and say a friend's birthday is coming up, if really is soothing to go pick out a nice gift for them. Makes me feel better to buy for someone else.

  17. No, I'm not a huge fan of shopping.  My finances are a bit tight at the moment, so that could be a good reason why I try and stay away from clothing stores, etc.  

    For me, taking a bath, going on a hike, having a glass of white wine, reading a good book, cuddling with my boyfriend, etc. - those are more of a therapy for me than anything else.

  18. Buying something usually makes me feel cheerful, especially when it's a new book by a favourite author.

  19. No.  Restoring antique wood furniture is, though.

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