
Ladies: Can you feel your blood flowing out of you during your period?

by  |  earlier

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does it hurt when you feel it ooozing out?




  1. yes i can always feel it its a feeling you never really get used  to

  2. No, I've never been able to feel it.  I mean I have cramps but that's just the abdominal muscles and isn't pain from the actual blood flow.  

    I heard once that there is only 2 - 8 Tbls of blood during the entire menstrual period which is about 3-5 days for most women.  That's not enough to actually feel.  

  3. Yes. It gushes out sometimes if you sneeze lol....Sounds disgusting. But yeah, you can feel it.

  4. Sometimes i can, it is kind of awkward feeling lol. But i really feel it like if  i sneeze, or get up from sitting down to long. =)

  5. yep. it's weird.

  6. only when i wear a pad

  7. It feels oozy.

    Its is very odd, and each month you just hope you catch it before it hits the underwear.

  8. only if i wear pads....if you wear tampons you cant feel it at all coming out...but seriously i wear tampons all the time...cuz i cant stand to feel blood coming out of me!!

  9. yes sometimes I feel it it feels like pee is coming out hey that's the way it feels to me  

  10. sometimes I can.  Like when I stand up just to feel it.  But not all the time!!

  11. probably the most disgusting feeling in the world.

  12. yes, its disgusting lol

  13. yuppers  

  14. yes yes its gros and if you laugh or stand up to quick it gushes ou of ya but thats what tampons and pads r 4 =P

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