
Ladies: Dating out of your range....?

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Ladies: Typically, you choose mates you are physically/mentally/personally attracted to. At some point, you develop a typical 'male ideal' that appeals to you.

However, what if that 'male ideal' was missing a certain quality you have never dealt with? What if he was blind? Hearing impaired but speaks well? Had a learning disability? .... regardless of how much you are physically/mentally/personally attracted to him?

Would you say yes or no to experimenting something different in the dating game? Also state your age and just be honest. Even if you said, no... then you're just being honest.

I'm curious about your responses.




  1. Of course I would be interested in dating someone a little different from "my ideal".

    Actually I am. My bf is smart, attractive all that amazing stuff I love, we have been together for 7 years but he is hearing impaired. Since he was born and needs hearing aids, he is about 50% deaf now but his ability to unscramble what he is hearing into words is decreasing 3-5% a year.

    I repeat myself a lot, :) but I love him and don't even notice! Never have.

    I'm 22.

  2. yes, I'll date someone who has something not perfect as long he is nice and high educated, I am 43 years old. I dated good looking guy with bad personality and temper, so I would go for nice guy now.

  3. In general, I would say "yes," I would be open to dating someone who did not match my ideal.

    However, having said that, there are some things that are just deal-breakers for me.  Drug addiction, for one.  Being married and/or carrying a conviction for child molestation, for others.  There might be more but those are three I can think of right off.

    Oh, and I'm 39.

  4. I've dated way out of my range, i'll probably do it again if it's absolutely worth it and I feel like the relationship will head to a good direction. Not be mean, but you want the truth, but as far as mental handicap men, I probably wouldn't consider him. But it does depend on the extent of the disability. I just think it's wrong for me to date someone who's a man but has the mental capability and innocence of a six-year-old.

    If I love someone who is blind or deaf, I don't think I'd care about those defaults. Love doesn't come by easily. And those defaults are something I consider minor.  

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