
Ladies: Do I just ignore this? What did this woman mean?

by Guest59481  |  earlier

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I was on a message board on another site talking about a tv show. I used the word suave to describe a black guy.

Someone called me a racist, and also prejudice. They also called me "honky" and said that they have s*x with white women for revenge or something....

Now if I used the N word the world would end.

Why is THAT ok?

Then when I responded another poster, saying she was black said

"Why are you taking this so seriously? It struck a chord with you huh?"

"You're letting your insecurities show?"

Look, Im never going to meet them, but how am I "letting my insecurities show" just because im being called racist terms and not putting up with it?




  1. they must not have known that the word suave is a compliment. Both races have ignorant citizens.

  2. well suave is nice, i dont get why they'd do that

  3. I've never heard anyone call a black person "suave."

    But honestly I never understood why they get offended when people call them black people, if in fact EVERYONE calls Caucasians WHITE... including those African-Americans who get offended really easily.

  4. I encounter many more black racists than I do white ones.  The ones I speak of are the first to sling racist comments and call whites racists just because they're white!  lol

  5. ignore it

    some people LOVE to show the racist card

    saying that you are this or that

    most people just wanna start trouble

  6. You cant possibly win... have you not realised that? Its not an equal world any more.. damned if you do and damned if you dont.

    just forget it and change your user name or something.

  7. because black people aregoing to hold a endless grudge against white people and are never goin to let THEMSELVES be equal to everyone else, they dont want racism but yet all they do in there actions is urge it, and they could say whatever they want because they were in slavery, yes i know we understand, now get over it not one black person today proably has any rlatives or anyone they know that was kept in slavery they could say honky but we cant say ******, personally i hate that but all they do is add to steriotypes so idc f**k it

  8. They are stupid or s******g with you.

    Don't sweat little s**t like this.

    There is nothing wrong with the word suave, ever, under any circumstances.

  9. ...ignore everything you just mentioned...

  10. These people you were messaging with probably think a tour of a corndog  factory during the night shift is fun.  Ignore them, they sound uneducated and looking for something to complain about.

  11. Suave is not raciest.... Just let it go--I think they were just playing with you.

  12. They called you a honky? Then they deserve to be called the N word! Calling a black guy suave is not a bad thing. Them women are just trying to get you going..

  13. don't put up with that remind her how the good ole honkys fromed this country and not going to let it get taken over by those people. I use the n word fleely if they can then I can

  14. that has completely lost me.

  15. Sounds like the people you were talking to don't know what suave means and are the racist ones.  They have s*x with white women just for revenge?  What site were you on?  Sounds like a bunch of uneducated, angry people.  Who cares what they think?  Blow it off.

  16. dude, this is hella confusing, i cant tell you

  17. "suave" doesn't have a color.  It's another word to decribe a calm, cool, collected person.  

    I'd look at your post and see if it was something different that upset the folks.  You may not be understanding what they are mad about.

    Otherwise, post a definition for "suave".  There is no color, s*x, religion or class associated with the word.  Don't be upset, if someone's gonna call the race card on you, they should at least know that the word means that's causing the whole thing in the first place.  

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