
Ladies: Do you ever feel self conscious the first time your boyfriend/partner sees you without makeup?

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I'm just curious. Usually in the beginning of the relationship you're trying to look your best, etc. I love make-up and I use it a lot, but I also have bad skin so I like to use it to cover up flaws too. I'm always so nervous the first time a guy is going to see me without it...I know I shouldn't be because it shouldn't matter at all if he is a good guy. But I just hate my skin (and yes I'm trying to treat it). I'm wondering if any one else feels the same way?




  1. The only makeup I wear is mascara and powder so it's not that drastic of a difference in the morning.

  2. yes..... i look hideous WITHOUT eyeliner!

  3. yeah i use to feel like that but then once your relationship gets stronger and longer you dont care anymore and you let loose

  4. of course.

    its almost like your walking out of the house naked in a way.

    and not just guys that i like, but everyone.

    i cant go to the store without concealer and blush and mascara on

    even if my skin is not bad.

    i can skip the eyeshadow but NEVER mascara and concealer!!!

  5. try new pimple medicine.....u shoudnt be afraid about showing ur face without makeup....when u do u will become more comfortable around ur partner more

  6. Nope. If he doesn't like me without my makeup on then he's not a keeper. lol

  7. yes (i wear make up to remind me i'm oldenough and mature 'cause when i go to resturants, they give me a kids menu, even though i have b*****s and wear makeup and stuff, and i'm 15,) i do have flaws and i dont want him to see it, but i wouldnt care if some old guy saw me without makeup on, casue i dont know him, and i know my BF and i want to look good for him,

    i did feel self conscious, but now im over it cause we're still together, everything's fine, and i liked showing him my 'true face', but i'd still prefer make up! lol

    so if he saw u with a 'naked face' dont worry bout it

  8. if he doesnt love you at your worst, he isn't worth your best

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