
Ladies. Do you find Borak Obama rather attractive?

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I think he will win the ladies votes because he is rather handsome don't you think? A bit like Slick Willy (Bill Clinton)




  1. Well I didn't think "slick willy" was very handsome yet he had my vote.

    Not all women fall for pretty boys.

  2. He smiles with his eyes...hmmm i like that!

  3. Nope.

    Not in the slightest.

    & not because he's black but because he's american.

  4. No,

  5. Yes I did find him good looking and very very charismatic.

  6. No, I don't..he actually makes me sick.

  7. I can't think of one handsome politician either side of the Atlantic.

    They are all so full of themselves.  I like a real man with real good looks.

    Here is a good example of another politician who loves himself.


  8. Only foolish people vote according to looks.

    And No -  he is not attractive to me; and I think  Slick Willy was even less appealing.  I like men of character and integrity.  My hubby is all that, plus good looking.  

  9. Nope. Ive never found skinny goofy looking guys with big ears and beady eyes good looking.

    Edit:  Oh wait.  I was thinking about Barack Obama.  Who the h**l is Borak Obama?  Sounds like someone off of Star Trek.  Although Barrak Obama does too.

  10. Sorry Dame f***y, He is not my type - I think he looks a bit "boney" for me.  Needs more upholstery to be really attractive in my book.  

  11. I think that, as a heterosexual man, i'm still fit to say that he's got quite a lot going for him aesthetically.

    That said, I'm sick of people electing based on looks. Once upon a time George Bush was prettier than Gore, you know. It's like people are picking up a newspaper just to look at the goddamned pictures!

  12. Nice looking, but a bit skinny.

    However, I don't know what kind of women you associate with, but I don't know ANY who are dumb enough to vote for a politician purely on his looks.

    As for Clinton, like Blair he was smarmy looking and his smile never reached his eyes.  Couldn't stand either of those two and wouldn't trust them an inch.  

  13. So good looking but he's no Bill Clinton; )

  14. I find him very appealing as an Africa- Amercian; He will change history if he becomes the next president of the United States. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream; This dream is coming true for Martin Luther King Jr. Let's just pray that no one does anything stupid to mess that dream up; Like the 4 idiots who tried to Kill Barrack Obama because they think an Africa - Amercian shouldn't run for president. Why can't we all just get along and leave racism out the door? We're living in some troublesome times; God's coming back sooner than people think and when he does; Racism, haterd, envy, strife, and so on won't be able to enter into the Kingdom of Jesus. My husband is white and I'm black; People stare, but I know they stare because we're different; I keep going strong with and without the stares. I know who makes me happy and provides for me; Vice versa. I don't look at color, but the character of the heart and what the person can put on the table.

  15. Sorry no I don't, I have better taste then that.

    You asked I replied and my choice of men is none of your business.  What makes him handsome?  I don't see it.

    By the way I don't vote on looks there are much more important matters then that.

  16. NOT AT ALL

  17. Nope

  18. Not at all. Bill Clinton was a real man with charisma - Obama is a puppet.

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