
Ladies .. Do you get grumpy and irrational before your period?

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Margaret: You sound like a woman who is probably a monster pre-menstruation.

You just don't realize it.




  1. no i dont really think so

  2. Not really. Why, do you?

  3. Yes.  But my husband has a zero tolerance policy towards grumpiness and moodiness, and usually says something like "Don't get hormonal with me" which I find usually calms me down quite a bit.

  4. I do...horrible.  Very irrational and easily angered.

    Can't help it,

  5. Nope, fortunately I don't get mood swings or any side effects from it. The abdominal cramps can be pretty bad sometimes though.

    Wow, I got thumbs down because I only get abdominal cramps? some people....

  6. Gross dude - didn't you post the comment the other day about feminists tasting their blood? What is your deal???

  7. nope, I have dealt with much higher pain in my life and it doesn't really bug me at all. I don't really care, it's only like 5 days and there are much worse things I deal with than that.

    Vincent T, go **** your self

  8. oh yeah. Emotional train wreck. Bloated. Aggravated easily. ALL of the above. It's normal. Just be understanding and it's going to be over in a couple days

  9. they already answer your question

  10. No, I don't. I don't even know it's coming until it's there. I'm not different, although I don't have PMS. I can see how you would be grumpy if you have stomach cramps,  head aches, bloating and sickness.

  11. no i dont i get BI***Y

  12. I DO get grumpy and perhaps at times irrational when pmsing. Different women react differetnly. Many dont' at all. I do have a personality change for sure. The effect of pms is the same as men and women do when they are stressed and tired. So just imagine walking around exhausted and drained while stressed out about your boss for 4 days and there you have what a pms mood feels like.

  13. If I do, I try not to let on & reveal it to my family or friends, my coworkers will know though lol.

  14. No... well as long as you don't consider over eating (but just a tad) "irrational." ;)

  15. yeah and during and afterwards

  16. its somtimes diffrent with diffrent girls

  17. oh yeah,  my doctor prescribes me 10 xanax a month to help my irritability

  18. Nope, I don't have moodswings. Just bad lower back pain and I cry at movies.

  19. yes sweetie sometimes dnt worry x*x

  20. Not in the slightest.

  21. No I never get grumpy or irrational. I seldom feel pain if I stay active while I'm on my period. And I usually take Pamprin.

  22. hmm probably...but  my period is pretty irregular..i dont always get it.

    but right before i do...i know i get really bad cravings and i get sore/ tender in my b*****s and vaginal area. and that can be kind of irritating.

  23. PMS is just men's escuse why they irrate women. Single women do not complain about PMS. My mom says she has PMS, I have never noticed. When she is irrate, I usually know that I deserve it.

  24. For several years I lived with several females, most of whom did have clear emotional patterns related to their cycles.

    I had never had reason to think I PMS-ed, so I asked each of the others (who were clued-in to when the others were PMS-ing), and they all said "No, I've never noticed you going PMS-psycho."

    So, no. When I'm grumpy, it's because there's stuff going on making me grumpy -- whether external stuff, or not getting enough sleep or something like that.

    I'm rarely irrational.

  25. Yes!!!

    Always before u start!!!

  26. sometimes, it gets really bad though. lol. ...mood swings

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