
Ladies.. Do you sometimes look yourselves in the mirror and see that you are very beautiful, other times not?

by  |  earlier

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If so , why do you think is that? And when? Does that depend on you mood? Or on the food you eat or wt?

Thanx for asking!




  1. i think it depends on what mood your in.i think every woman feels like that at one time at least

  2. Umm I think I look s**y all the time

    I eat everything that gets in my way

    but thats cuz I work out like crazy

    I run 12.5 miles as a warm up

    then I go swim for about 3 hours

    this of course is only in summer time

    but if Im sad or w/e I still think I look fine

  3. I know Im beautiful.

    but sometimes i rate how pretty I am.

    like i set up an ideal picture of what I want myself to look like and then I rate how far i am from that. I can do that with my body image or my make-up. Im usually happy with what I see despite my mood/ what I eat.

  4. Yeah i feel like that, I hate it. If my hair dosent come out right or im not crazy about my outfit im like omg i look like c**p.

  5. Yes it can happen to all women i think. Maybe nobody feels very beautiful every day or anyway always. I feel i am pretty but not so beautiful like i really think i am because i see always other women very beautiful than me. Some nice women feel beautiful or also not because they cannot be sure of theyself. And then some other ugly women that feel very beautiful but they really haven't the beauty we don't see. So this women are sure of their body and face too. I think they are crazy. People say to me i am pretty but i am not very sure of that, because sometimes i don't look more nice than other days. Sometimes i watch at myself and see am a little bit ugly or just often normal. Nobody is perfect also in beauty but i am quite glad about how i look like.;...

  6. Every morning I look at myself in the mirror and say "Good morning Beautiful"......and then I put on my glasses (sigh) ~

  7. I used to be real conceded,but after I got pregnant I feel like I look different. I got my pre-pregnancy figure back and everyone says I look the same....But I always feel i look different. I would say it's 50/50 for me when I see beautiful in the mirror,like when I go out and know I look good then I see it in the mirror. But on regular days, I rarely see it anymore. MY husband says it's just me cause he sees the same girl but maybe emotions play a big factor.

  8. I like to look at myself naked in the mirror, I am beautiful.

  9. Sometimes, I've walked past mirrors in the mall or wherever and I'll catch a glimpse of myself and not realize it's me.  Then I'll think, Oh, she was pretty and I'll look back and then I'll realize, oh, that's me!  d**n, I'm gorgeous!!  Is that vain?  I'm sorry, but, no, I've always thought I was attractive.  ;)

  10. This is according to how one perceives themselves. You know, how they feel about themselves at that moment. Peace!

  11. Yes. We all have days when we don't feel we measured up to the day before. Its just a womans insecurity.

  12. I think that depends on the mood you have...on your soul often. Food? Sometime it gives its contribution ;-)  

  13. well for me...its like i know im no carmen electra or anything, but i think im a descent looking person, nice body, and i had alot of guys in school hit on me, so i thought i must be hot, that dosent happen anymore cuz im in a serious relationship, so i think the lack of compliments plays a part in it, and then ill take a picture of myself and what i see in the mirror dosent seem like what comes out on the camera. its like i don't find myself attractive when i look at myself in pics, but i've had ppl tell me maybe your not photogenic. but ive noticed my smile is slightly crooked, so i think that messes with how the picture comes out...

    and i used to watch those shows on the 25 sexiest bodies, or 25 hottest celebs, and i would always feel ugly afterwards and want to get a makeover, so i dont even watch those, to not feel ugly.  

  14. a lot of it is mood, but if i do it after eating something i know i shouldn't have, then it makes me feel very fat and ugly.

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