
Ladies, Do you use make up or beauty products?

by  |  earlier

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If so, why?

a.) It makes you feel better about yourself

b.) You wear it so others find you attractive

c.) You've been told to wear it

d.) You use it to cover imperfections

e.) You fear the aging process

f.) Other

If not, why?

I saw a user here say that women who spent money on beauty products have a low self esteem and fear the aging process. Surely, this can't be true for EVERY woman who uses make up.




  1. "because I want to look pretty for him"   there's a quote that makes me shiver.
    It's horrible to see so many women loath their natural appearance. What God gave them is not enough. That they feel men won't be attracted to them unless they paint their face with c**p - wow, that must really suck to feel unloved unless you cover up your ugliness. . . aren't you still ugly? Believe me, men are NOT WORTH the effort.

    I prefer women with confidence and natural features - not blue eyelids, red glossy lips, and skunk-striped hair, who have to hide if caught with without their clown face on.

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