
Ladies!!!! Even when its freezing cold outside why do some of you (not all!) still wear revealing clothing?

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while walking down the street or taking a walk with your dog or going to school (teens) or college students (like i see everyday around me)

girls just look like you're gonna die out of the cold and yet why do some girls wear revealing clothing?

For example: Our school's girls volleyball team

I have a class at 8 AM and their practice facility is right next to one of my class rooms

Every time i see them (near that practice facility or around campus or in class or wherever during school days), they wear a t-shirt and a hooded jacket with the hood on and you can feel them going "brrrrrrr" and they wear like these tiny small tight spandex shorts that barely cover "you know what it is" can see the definition around the butt cheeks and stuff (sorry couldn't help but notice lol and they look very attractive btw)

anyways the question is!

why do they wear so little?

And also in general, why do some girls wear reveling clothing even when its freezing cold outside?




  1. Actually, that's a good question. Personally, I don't do that (I'd much rather be warm). Some girls would rather have the attention than cover up and be practical.

  2. The girls who do this are obviously trying to attract attention from boys and that's more worth it to them than staying warm.

  3. sometimes you have to sacrifice things like warmth and comfort to look amazing.

  4. Girls love attention, and if they can catch a guy checking them out with lustful eyes, they eat it up and it makes their day.  I see the same thing at college, the girls wear hoodies and shorts... they just want to us  guys to want them and they want the other girls to know what their competition is.

  5. im a volleyball player and we wear little b/c it gives you more breathing room. you can move more in it, and when u start to get hot/sweat it helps you to cool down instead of wearing long pants and a shirt.  but for them to be that because are shorts come down half way to the knee. have no clue y they are tht short!

  6. well up here in north dakota the girls wear shorter skirts and shorts in the winter. i think its because they think that they need to be attractive, but in real life they look really S****y. i wear reveling tops but that's because the shirts just go like that. if a girl with a big chest wears a reveling top then i could probably understand.but most likely girls are just trying to attract the opposite s*x.

  7. That could also extend to girls.

    When I was in graduate school, one of the guys in my lab had sweaters and jacket when sitting at his desk, but was in short-sleeve t-shirt when he went to classroom.

  8. well. the reason is because girls for some reason feel the need to have i am not saying that i dont like attention as much as the next girl but i dont stoop so low as to wear revealing clothing. i really do not know why they do this because most girls dont have to wear revealing clothing to look attractive to guys. they think that guys wont like them unless they wear clothes that accentuate their "lady parts"

  9. we don't work that hard to hide our legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. A tshirt and spandex has always been what volleyball players where. It's hard to wear looser baggier clothes when you're playing a sport where u need to be very agile, mobile and flexible. Also its kind of the volleyball rule that you have to wear them at games and tourniments. And when you see people outside in them ( I don't know about everybody) but When I just finish up a really hard workout I like walking the two blocks home in my shorts while it's snowing to cool off! :)

  11. strange, ur right. what will they wear when its warm out? nothing? i cant wait.

  12. I think that you're supposed to wear tight clothes for sports and stuff... I see old people working out in the morning with  t-shirts and shorts (and yes it's freezing cold here) lol I dont think they're trying to attract that type of attention. if a girl is wearing skirts or something thats not for a sport then that's just saying the girl is  way too desperate in my opinion!!

  13. So much for the women's movement...

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