
Ladies.. How Do You Feel About This New Discovery?

by Guest59956  |  earlier

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So now they're reporting that some men are born with a gene that determines whether or not they will cheat. They have something to blame it on now!!

Do we women get a gene too?? Probably not, we seem to get the short end of everything.... sigh

I feel that.. gene or not they know right from wrong.... It isn't something they CANNOT control like being predisposed to cancer ....what are your thoughts on this new discovery?

Would you buy this as an excuse from your hubby or boyfriend???




  1. Just another form of the double standard in society. No I wouldn't.

  2. he cheat he is sooo gone

  3. no. i have a gene to be lazy, that doesn't mean i have an excuse not to work hard.

  4. Sounds like a crock of you-know-what. I wouldn't buy that excuse.  

  5. Sorry dea,r the gene made me do it

  6. No, I don't buy into it. I'm sure it was a man who "discovered" this gene in the first place.

    Of course women don't get a gene too. Just like apparently Palin shouldn't be in public office since she has 5 kids but it was okay for John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and most recently...Obama himself.

    I think it is silly all the double standards in the US.  

  7. Where did you hear that?

    I would say that I didn't believe it and I'd want to know the real reason why he cheated.


    Think about the meaning of a gene.. It makes up who you are. If its in your genes it doesnt mean anything.. its not like you can disect your man to determine his faithfulness.. This discovery is cool, but really unhelpful. You'd think It would make a grand difference in being able to tell something about men, but its not just men with this gene, its anyone. women too. Its who you are and find a scientific reason for your identity is just useless.  

  9. I agrue they should know right from wrong and i wouldn't  buy it as an excuse.

  10. h**l ******** no

    if he cheats, his is out the door!

  11. oh please!!!!!!!

  12. That's the world we're living in.  Everyone wants to make an excuse for every type of behavior.  No, I'm not buying it.

  13. lol once he cheats hes gone for good no more chances

  14. hold on. let me get a pen. i have to write this down to remember.

  15. You can Bet it was a Man that said We men are born with a Gene and we cant help It.What a bunch of BS.

    They know right from wrong.

    and h**l no i wouldn't take that excuse from my husband he'd be gone!

    but i don't have to worry about that.I have an amazing man who cant keep his hands off me and we are always together as a family i know hes not mess in round on me!

  16. Oh My Gosh NO WAY! That Is The Worst Excuse Ever! And Even If That Was True That They Have Some Sort Of Gene Like That, That Doesnt Mean They Dont Know Right From Wrong!!


  18. No! Your right, i hate getting the short end. lol!

  19. sounds like they are just looking for excuses

  20. thats extremely ridiculous. i agree with you.  i would never accept that from my boyfriend. i dont care if they said they found the gene if he loved me than he wouldnt of cheated on me. end of story

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