
Ladies: How do you usually react when other women hit on you, sometimes more aggressively than men would?

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Ladies: How do you usually react when other women hit on you, sometimes more aggressively than men would?




  1. I've never had a woman hit on least not one that was actually a L*****n. I've had a few "curious" (??) girls try to make out with me, but, honestly, I thought it was more just an attempt to get guy's attention. I usually just tell them "no." It's funny....girls always ask first. Like, "hey, can I kiss you?" And I just say "no." That's NOT my kinda thing.

  2. i try to be friendly about it, and just let them know i am not interested casually.

    but if the woman gets aggressive then i either leave the area or politely ask her to stop.

  3. i tell them thy are acting like men...

    stops them everytime.

  4. It only happened once. We were at a party laughing about something, and she kept putting her head on my shoulder. She's a friend of mine, so I wasn't completely grossed out. But I mingled for most of the night, so I didn't spend too much time with her. That's the way to avoid unwanted advances: mingle.

  5. I just take it as a complement. Now if they, being men or women, keep pushing the issue I stand my ground. Still, any complemet makes you feel good.

  6. I tell them I'm married.  If they persist, I tell them that I'm NOT leaving my husband.

  7. i never take aggressiveness in flirting well (um, to put it lightly).

    now, if a woman hit on me in a NON-aggressive manner, i would take it as a compliment and let her down as gently as possible, because I'm taken.

    if i wasn't married...probably still turn her down. i do like my menfolk.

  8. i'm usually pissed off...ewwww

  9. Well, it only ever happened to me once, and it was about thirty years ago, but I was quite flattered, she was an extremely attractive girl and all the men in the office we worked in fancied her, they were really annoyed because she liked me rather than them.  She wasn't at all aggressive though, she was very nice.  She used to do things like pulling out my chair for me, helping me on with my coat when we were going home etc, it used to really drive them mad.  We both played it up, we enjoyed taking the p**s out of them. She used to smoke black sobranies with gold filters, which I thought were incredibly chic, I always took one when she offered it even though I didn't smoke.  She would sit on my desk and light the cigarette from her own, very intimate, the men in the office would watch us and look really fed up.  It was great fun.

  10. honestly... its pretty hott... it just means that both sexes are are attracted to me... :D

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