
Ladies I finally got my Positive!?

by  |  earlier

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i was 4 days late and finally decided to take a test i did it late in the afternoon and still got a fairly dark second line. look at my test and tell me what you ladies think

please let me know if you think its a positive




  1. Ohhhh yea there is!!!!! Congrats new mommy 2 b!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. looks positive to me. EPT is famous for evaporation lines, but If you read it within the ten minutes, I'd say you are pregnant!!! congrats! have a healthy happy 9 months :)  

  3. Oh yea that is a BFP... Congratulations...I'm so excited for you...Enjoy your pregnancy.  

  4. How exciting, that is definitely a positive!!!!  Looks plenty dark enough to know for SURE!  (ignore the first answer!)  Is this your first?  Your first pregnancy is sooo special, enjoy every minute (even when you feel  Congratulations!!!

  5. Congratulations mommy to be. =)

  6. Congratulations! You are indeed pregnant! What a coincidence. I took a preg. test this morning and I used the same preg. test kit that you did. Sadly, I'm not pregnant.

    Yay for you! Book a doctor's appointment and they will give you another test to confirm the pregnancy. But that is a pretty dark line so I am 99% sure you are pregnant, how exciting!

  7. that's gr8...u really got a BFP..congrats!!

  8. Kinda ify, I would test again in a few days, first thing in the morning.

  9. Congrats that is AWESOME! I hope this is my month to. I am so happy for you!

  10. You are definitely preggers. CONGRATS!!! !!!

    I am also preggers, I found out today.

    May you and I have healthy, blessed pregnancies! Everyone else out there too!

    God bless!!!

  11. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!  

  12. ignore the first answer that is defiantly positive  so pleased for you i also got my BFP last week and yours is darker then mine but I'm defiantly pregnant again congratulations and a happy healthy 9 months for you and your baby

  13. That looks like a positive to me!!! =) Congratulations, hope a have a healthy pregnancy and baby too!!! =)

  14. Sorry I can't look at the link. Congrats and change your screen name now... Have a great 9 months until you meet your miracle.

    edit: I see your screen name just changed.

  15. Yep! Congrats!  I'm one day late and got a BFN last night.  I'm going to wait a few more days.

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