
Ladies I was sleeping with this pregnant girl?

by  |  earlier

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and she wanted me to wear a condom because she was afraid that my seed would supplant the current fetus...can I really do that




  1. no she just doesn't want to tell you that she doesn't want the catch anything from you.

  2. no. tell her she's retarded.

  3. N.O....................................

  4. No it can not. The baby is protected by a membrane full of fluid that he/she is floating around in. Nothing can get to him/her.  

  5. Maybe you should because if you have an STD that's bad for her and the baby.

    But to answer your question - no.

  6. Impossible, but you should wear one for protection anyway.

  7. no

  8. no, and she really should have known that..

  9. LOL no that is not possible. Her cervix is closed and nothing can get up in there until she dilates. That is the funniest thing I have ever heard.  

  10. I feel sorry for the baby daddy.

  11. no!!

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