
Ladies: If Chris Brown weren't 'hot' or whatever would you still be a fan?

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Ladies: If Chris Brown weren't 'hot' or whatever would you still be a fan?




  1. i don't like his music. and I don't like his looks.  

  2. Are you kidding? I love everything about him! Some people might hate me for saying this, but, I hate the Jonas brothers!

  3. ofcourse.. and i would totally do something with him.. LOL........he got a great voice.

  4. no .

    To tell you the truth.. the only reason I like him is cause

    he is smoking hot , other then that , Im not to crazy about his


  5. of course

    hes verry talented !

    awesome voice and great dancer!

  6. i dunno, seeing as i'm not a fan in the first place.

  7. i still would hate his music

  8. I dont think chris brown is even hot.I just think he's music is awesome!But yea,i would still be a fan.

  9. There are only two things a celebrity sells- their look or talent. So if Chris Brown were to have any of 'em, ladies would definitely still go for him. I'm not a his fan tho'.

  10. yea, his music is amazing :]

  11. Definately, he still has a great voice.

  12. idk..i mean chris has an amazing yeah probably

  13. yhup! he has this amazing voice.

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