
Ladies: Is 'organizational power' the true source of feminism?

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If it is, how long will it take for men to discover this, wherein they will create a greater organizational force and immediately turn against the feminists?

Men are much more adept at creating organizational power:

corporations, sports teams, armies .... are just a few examples.

Once men set their mind to it, their abilities to group and solve a problem far exceed female ability. Once they decide to organize, feminism is finished.




  1. When you dress in drag, do you tuck to the left, or right?

  2. Please don't listen to Annie F. What she is saying is pure conjecture. I would be laughing if I didn't believe she was taking herself so seriously.

  3. True feminists simply don't care what men think. Feminists now have the power and will use it as they see fit.

    Men have had power too long. It is our turn!

  4. You are so not a woman. I've seen your answers, and you cannot possibly be a woman.

    You're a troll that's gotten points somehow.

    Nice rant.

    You are a first class beeeytch!

  5. "Once they decide to organize, feminism is finished."

    Delusions of adequacy again, Dude?

  6. That will NOT happend.

    Things will even for men and women, but the goverment wants you to work so no.

    Altought, extremist femenism will not last too long, or will have no effect for too long, both men and women are again it.

  7. I would say yes.  July 3 1848 was the date of the first Women's Convention in Seneca NY.

    I'm no Feminist; not by a long shot, but facts is facts.

    The  fact is, women have been organizing things long before the term Feminism was ever thought of and before the aforementioned convention on July 3 1848.  For instance; in 1795 Anne Parrish establishes, in Philadelphia, the House of Industry, the first charitable organization for women in America.  In 1824 The first public high school for girls opens in Worcester, Massachusetts.  In the 1830s Mills in industrial towns such as Lowell, Massachusetts, are staffed almost entirely by young women. These “mill girls” have a kind of independence their mothers could not have imagined. They earn their own money and live together in boardinghouses. They also take part in strikes and other actions by organized labor.  In 1837 Oberlin College, in Ohio, becomes the first college to admit female students. In addition to studying, the women have to do laundry and cook meals for the male students. Also in 1837  The Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, in Massachusetts, is created to provide higher education to women. Most of its early graduates became teachers.  Bottom line is that women have always have had a life and they lived it.

  8. You're still babbling on about your little revolution?

    Again, I doubt your little friends here in G&WS are hardly enough numbers for said revolution.

    And why or why, do you insist on having a female avatar?

  9. "Once they decide to organize, feminism is finished."

    Then say goodbye to your right to vote, your right to get an education and choose a career if you wish, your right to start a family or not, your right to defend yourself a prosecute men who sexually assault, batter or rape you, your right to speak in public places, your right to do with your life as you please, your right to own property, your right to divorce your husband. Be willing to say goodbye to your right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  10. The true source of any movement or cause is "organizational power".  With out it, it is just a few people with an idea.

    You are right, men have done very well at this.  Mainly because while doing these (the large majority of what you mentioned formed before, in some cases centuries before the women's movement) most women were cooking him a meal for when he came home from such organizing.

    But I am a bit confused at how men's ability to accomplish these great tasks makes feminism "finished"....Please explain.

  11. No, the source of feminism was the disenchantment of the staus quo. Organization does indeed create a greater force.

    I can't argue with that.

    As far as abilities, we know that both men and women can have those kinds of talents and savvy. You say that men organize corporations, sports teams, and army's. True enough.

    I would like to suggest that you research some history, and dig a little. Women have displayed those same skill levels, and though they may not be as readily apparant to the general population, they have been documented.

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