
(Ladies) Personality-wise, what is it about Edward Cullen that most boys aren't?

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I'm reading Twilight right now and I'm making my own assumptions. Still, I'd be glad to hear the opinions straight from you girls. What is it about Edward Cullen that most guys aren't? No mentioning of indestructibility and luxurious cars, would you kindly? ;)

I've also watched this video but everyone's opinions differ. I'd love to hear yours.




  1. I'd like to think most guys aren't stalkers or have personalities as interesting as a paper bag - and, I'm going to be honest with you when I say that I don't know many guys that are fine and dandy with aborting his wife's baby without her permission.

    I think the difference between men in the real world and the wacko's in Stephenie Meyer's books is pretty obvious. I'd take my imperfect fiance over some Edward-like buffoon any day.

  2. Edward has no personallity.

  3. Lol. Yay! Nice question Jc! It's rant time!!

    Ok, well, in the book, it mentions that he's unhumanly beautiful. I mean, that's probably a huge one right there. Pleasing to the eyes,  I would put it. Most of the girls in the book seemed to adore him because of his looks. It was pretty superficial, but eh, it's human nature.

    Then, he's pretty polite. What kind of girl wants a rude, mean guy by their side? Not many =.=. He's proven over and over throughout the book of just how much of a gentlemen he can be.

    He's also "cool" in a sense. A loner, but other characters in the book have said that he carried himself with a sense of dignity and poise. (I might be thinking of the next book.) But yea, confidence is s**y. =D

    Oh, yea, and I thought he was funny. Heh.

    Those are the major 4 that I can come up with. Well, Edward wasn't really my favorite character. I was more of a Bella fan (She's a Virgo) =O. I related to her a lot. To be honest, I really didn't like him all that much in the first book. But the other 3 that followed made me adore him.

    Edit: I forgot that he's modest!! That quality really stuck out to me. He never blames Bella or his family. It's always him that somehow "caused" the problem. That's a really nice quality.

    Lol. It's ok JC, I bet you're all of the above. *Nudge Nudge*

  4. mature, mysterious, gentlemanly, thoughtful, extremely smart, understanding, protective... and more.

    oh, not to mention he's extremely hot and rich. [just hitting the shallow points.]

  5. why? u want girls all over u just like that? x]

  6. He is everything a man should be and more !!!

    He is handsome, well-mannered, gentlemanly, fiercely protective, commited, etc etc etc

    Hes a s**y BEAST!!! im not even going to go into what i want to do to that vampire .. mmmmmmmmmmm ...

    Something about .. 18th-20th century men... theyr politeness, manners, etiquette etc .. so so so so so HOT !!!


  7. Uhh...civilized and mature (for boys 17 years of age anyway...)

    He's sweet.  He treats people with kindness and respect.  Most guys at 17 don't...then again, Edward's actually 107, but whatever.


  8. he is selfless, brave and loves unconditionally.

    Save midnight sun

  9. I'm not sure, I'm too depressed about yesterday's Midnight Sun news to think about Edward:

    See here:

  10. uhhh he's perfect!

    he's handsome, and kind, and always blames himself.

    what guy is all three?

    it's rare to find them, I'll tell ya that.

    Edward was also born in a time when ladies were still ladies, and he was a gentleman.

  11. well,he's a gentleman.he really,trully cares for bella (most guys like girls for their looks.but to be fair,edward at first liked bella for her smell).he's smart.

  12. Chivalry and Maturity..

  13. sign this petition to save midnight sun!

    save it!

  14. I simply can't understand why girls like Edward(I'm a girl, just so you know)

    He's so...creepy. sense of is that attractive??  

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