
Ladies Survey: Do you make passes at men in uniform ??? >>>?

by  |  earlier

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the trashmen here have those prison looking orange jumpsuits !

UPS or FedEx




  1. Rusty...

    You know as well as I do, that suit and ties and uniforms drive them friggin insane with lust...

    Which is a depressing thought, now that I think of it...cuz...

    I don't wear either of those things...(but I DO smell nice, Kathwah...with or without clothes...cha...)

    Maybe I ought to start to...for no other reason...

    (Thanks for the idea...)

  2. Yes i do ... well not Cops!  (no offense)

    Firemen !  Army !

    I have a thing for mechanics though ...yum ;)

    Answer:  UPS

    Edit:   the answer above - Trash man are up there as well ! =)

  3. UPS because you worked for them.

    I make sure I wear a bikini when they deliver the packages.

  4. Yes, and the Trash men are just fine.......x

  5. they have to smell nice

  6. i love a scruffy guy, construction worker, mechanic, concrete cutter, something on those lines and i also love a service men in uniform. nothing more sexier then someone who stands for our country.


  7. Men in Uniform...hmmmm!  Especially those in Army and Air Force!  Anytime!!!

  8. i love a man in uniform. although the orange jump suits don't do it for me. like you said they look like prisoners. men in uniform tell me that at least they have a job. the orange uniforms just tell me that they need more help than i can give.

  9. Some of those UPS guys are cute and I love their uniform. Brown looks really good on guys

  10. cops look the hottest :)~

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