
Ladies! Tell me your pregnancy cravings?

by  |  earlier

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Just curious about what everyone is craving, or has craved in the past :)




  1. Mac n cheese, fruity pebbles, mango popsicles, and fruit.

  2. I love captain crunch berries be can't eat them so its fruity pebbles a whole box

    then i need salt salt salt i eat sunflower seeds a lot more than usual


    chicken nuggets from wendy's with a ton of honey mustard


  3. I'm really weird as I only crave things that I smell (or at least things that I think I smell). Let me explain. The other day I was on the elevator at work and I swear I smelled Key Lime Pie. Automatically I had to have some! Then, I was in the bathroom at work of all places and I smelled BACON! Again, I automatically started craving a BLT. I don't have weird cravings I just crave things that I smell and then once I get them I'm over the craving. Right now I could kill for some of my mom's homemade vegetable soup. MMMM. I'm hungry now. lol

  4. i dont understand this but i cant put the popsicles down . i dream of them at night and i have tons in my freezer. i would like to stop filling myself up with them but i just cant

    besides the popsicles anything spicy but then i get heartburn .

    God let it be a healthy boy as i have a daughter already .  

  5. lots of fruit...particularly watermelon. I also had a craving for Pollo Tropical for about 2weeks.

  6. OMG

    Meat pies with sauce

    Steak sandwich with cheese & bacon

    yum lol

  7. green olives and Nachos Belle Grande from Taco Bell....mmmmm

  8. my first kid only tomatoes and salt..

    this preg its been alot of different things



    spicy foods

    salsa flavored icecream (??? idk...just thought it sounded good)

    and banana nut bread and banana milk (wouldnt it be nice if there was syrup like chocolate or strawberry that was banana flavored? youd think they would make that but i couldnt find any)

  9. My daughter is 11 weeks pregnant right now and can't get enough cucumbers and tomatoes, go figure, lol, a salad baby!

  10. ice cubes with my 4 children and im on my 5th pregnancy 8 weeks 2day and its cherry coke and porkpies and mustard

  11. Here's a list of weird cravings I've heard my family moaning about:

    * Mars bars & liver pate. . .together!!! Yuck!!!

    * Instant mash with beans & cheese.

    * Jelly Tots

    * Pickles & Ice Cream. . .together!!! Icky!!!

    * Talcum Powder

    * Sand

    * Rubber

    * Sponges

    * Peanut Butter & Bacon sandwiches

    * Raw Potato

  12. the only thing ive been craving is lots and lots of first it was anything with cheese like mac and cheese but my morning sickness is kicking in late, or my prenatals are bothering me but everything is making me sick but juice....and cereal i guess...capn crunch

  13. My biggest cravings were chicken, ice cream, watermelon and pickles. Not together of course :)  

  14. i had to have mars bars in the breville maker....yummm...

    but now 15 years later still can't stomach mars bars..i ate the constantly..everyone in the family kept a supply of mars bars and made me one as soon as i walked in the door..

    my sons were milkshakes...

  15. Last night I HAD to have chicken fingers so my husband and I jumped in the car and hit up KFC. They come and go so it is hard to say anything one thing for sure!

  16. normal cravings...

    chinese food




    ice great with the weather

    not normal cravings (and havent tried it just cause its weird)...

    glazed Shipley's Donut topped with cream cheese?? lol...i guess

  17. Everytime I leave the doctor's office, I crave chinese food.  Preferably Shrimp Fried Rice!!!

  18. At first it was salt. All I wanted was salt, then it was strawberry ice cream, then Mexican food, next it was the Dreyers Fruit popsicles and now it is Spaghetti with meat sause and garlic bread. That is what I am having for breakfast. YUM!

    With my 1st son, it was frozen pickles and lemon slushies

  19. Mc. Donalds! lol bad one I know.

    Onions. (I hated them pre pregnancy and now I cant get enough)

    Tomatoes and salt.

    Green olives.

    Anything sour also.

  20. Steak sauce.

    Turkey sandwich with bbq sauce.

    Macaroni and tuna with apples and raisins.

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