
Ladies: What Are Your Beauty Secrets?

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everyone hasw a little secret wheather for hair or nail or anything between. Heres a few of mine

Showr In Freezing Cold Water

Put in Conditioner 3times- 2wice all over ur hair once with only a little bit on the ends only

put conditioner in ur hair then shave ur legs then rinse.

those were a few of mine- whats urs?




  1. how would showering in freezing cold water make you beautiful?

    ya i have some...shave legs with shampoo : )

    if your eyes are blue, green or in between...brown eyeliner, black mascara, curl eyelashes, champange pink eyeshadow and use the same eyechadow under your eyebrows and where your tear ducts are, like the corner next to your nose. just watch what not to wear friday at nine on TLC, and usually all the time, when the makeup artist, Carmandy, always shows you how play up your eye. and if you have circles under your eyes...put your skin color eyeshadow on your circles (with one of these... )

    i have one and it works wonders for my circles b/c i stay up til 4 in the morn listening to music lol and get up at like 11. good luck!

  2. To wear makeup from the same brand that goes naturally with your skin highlighting some of your best features.

    For great looking natural hair towel dry. Lol.

    I guess those are kind of obvious, but they're the only ones I know.

  3. Big and s**y hair products are amazing for people like me that have fine hair. Most people didn't believe me when I told them I had fine hair.

  4. apply undereye cream stuff morning and night. and ALWAYS use neutrogena wave before going to bed! dont smile when u apply blush, turn down the corner of your cheeks so all the skin gets pushed up not stretched! lol!

  5. I avoid greasy foods and fast food.  They;re bad for my skin.  Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.

  6. switch up shampoos frequently to shock your hair because if you use the same shampoo everyday then you hair gets used to it and you won't have the same body and shine

  7. i blow dry my hair with heat, and then once im done i blast on the cool air and it give it a nice shine

    and egg whites on your face till it is dry gives it a beauitful shine. great to do before a shower for a night out

  8. thats not really a beauty secret, more of a routine.

    put lemon juice in my shampoo so it lightens my hair naturally

  9. ive heard that showering in cold water makes you hair shinier haha. new that one! and i put conditioner then shave my legs then rinse too. thats wierd! haha. well, sometimes i just put a little bit of conditioner in because, my hair gets frizze and thick when i put a lot in so just a little

  10. just be yourself

  11. To have amazing skin when Im washing my face first I splash it with reeeally hot water to open up my pores, then I wash it with soap, then when I'm done I splash it with freezing water to close them back up. :)

  12. Find a hair style that works for your face, and make up :)

  13. You think I'm beautiful? Thanks! =D

  14. sleeping overnight with an itensive conditioner in my hair . works a charm

  15. ~separate your lashes with a clean brush before putting on mascara.

    ~keep spoons in the freezer for those under eye bag days.

    ~only draw attention to one. either lips or eyes. not both.

    ~try leaving your hair natural some days. trust me. youll get compliments.

    ~always keep something on your nails. whether its polish or strengthener. just make sure you take care of them.

    ~test make up before you buy it.

    ~always try lemon juice and the sun on your hair before bleaching it.

  16. When I apply eyeliner I put it on the upper and lower lids, then fill it in on the end of my eye to make it look more dramatic.

    When applying mascara I put it on all my upper lashes, then do a second coat at the end ones.

    To make your lips look fuller, put lip liner on the edge of your lips lightly, then apply chapstick. THEN you can go with a colored gloss or lipstick. The chapstick makes it last longer. That's all the makeup I wear.

    Stick with a good skin care routine. Remember that clear glowing skin is beautiful skin. I also have wavy hair, so I don't blowdry, I flip my wet air upside down in front of a fan. It gives me wavy locks and prevents my hair from drying out.

  17. blast your hair with cold water after you wash it it makes it sooo shiny

    because it closes the hair follicals and stops c**p getting in them

    but yep blast your hair with cold water  makes it wayyy shiny

  18. i boil water until it's steaming hot, then put it in a big bowl, place my face about twelve inches away from the bowl, with a towel over my head, for five minutes. right after the five minutes is over i wash my face with cold water( scrub your face with acne wash or anything that clean your face)  pat dry.This will help clean pores faster.

  19. why do u shower in freezing cold water???? There is no way i could shave in freezing water!!!

    Mine is always wash your face and moistureize good before bed no matter how tired and also no self tanner on face!!!!  

  20. ohh there are so many! lol.

    hmm.... i wash my hair with vinegar every once in a while, it makes it really shiny.  

    i put cold spoons form the freezer under my eyes to get rid of bags.

    I wash my hands with dishsoap because it makes them softer.

    once a week i rub sugar all over and rinse it off int the shower to get rid of dead skin.

    also, i use toothpaste to dry up problem zits fast.

    hope you have fun trying these out!

  21. sleep drinking water laughing enjoying life and being kind to others helps me feel beauitful

  22. Why shower in freezing cold water? As a male, I would NEVER do that.

  23. this website has evreything!

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