
Ladies: What bad body changes were you left with after you had a baby?

by  |  earlier

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Were there any good permanent changes?




  1. At almost 40, with teen sons, I found I was pregnant with twins, also boys.  I had a c-section with them and now have a "butt" in the front also.  They cut me from the belly button, vertically, down to my cha-cha, so now I look like I also have a butt in the front.  

    AND why'd I get a thumbs down, I was just stating an answer to the question.

  2. Bad body changes: stretch, weight gain (that is hard to get rid of), and sometimes your "area" can be a little distorted, a little cut, you know what I mean.  The good changes... well, (it's not a body change, but...) you now have a little baby you can call your own and that you get to watch grow up for the rest of your life!  I'm not sure about permanent good body changes, but usually you always have a smile on your face with a baby in your home!  :)

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