
Ladies: Who loves to kick the shoes off on the drive home?

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Any ladies here love to kick the shoes off on the drive home from work no matter what the weather or footwear? Thanks!




  1. I always drive barefoot. It makes me feel connected with the car.

  2. U know I do!!!!, i drive, play, and work shoeless!   but i sure do love to buy them.

  3. I think you already know my answer....but YES, yes!

    I took mine off yesterday on the way home as it was 70 and sunny. I put the car on cruise so I could safely remove everything until my feet were totally bare.


  4. I love driving in bare feet and working barefoot as well.

  5. yes, i will drive barefoot, use my big toe for the gas pedal.

  6. even tho i am not working i still love to drive barefoot. i seem to have better control as i drive manual transmission vehicles.

  7. Once i get in my car the shoes come off. Much more comfy that way although illegal in some states i still do it.

  8. I do because if I dont it wrecks my heals on my shoes

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